Philippine Daily Inquirer

Protest flares up in India over gang-rape of nun


KOLKATA—Hundreds of priests, school girls and other protesters staged a peaceful rally on Monday in the Indian city of Kolkata to support an elderly nun who was gang-raped at her convent school.

Nuns dressed in white habits joined other women of all background­s and ages, including girls still in their uniforms, to express their sorrow over the attack and anger over incessant levels of sexual assault in India.

Holding placards and banners that read “This world belongs to women” and “We want rape-free India,” the crowd gathered quietly in a park in the center of the eastern city as speakers took to a makeshift stage nearby to condemn the “unacceptab­le” attack.

“We are not violent, we are not witches. And we will launch a big protest if attacks on Christian minorities continue,” Kolkata businesswo­man Hari Joseph Marien said.

Bank manager Partha Tripathi said she was prompted to join the protest because the crime was one “against humanity,” adding: “It seems that even animals (behave) better.”

Later in the evening, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee faced hundreds of angry protesters in Ranaghat, 70 kilometers from Kolkata, where she had gone to meet the nun who is recovering in hospital.

The woman, aged in her 70s, needed surgery from injuries suffered during the attack.

The protesters, who were chanting slogans demanding justice and arrest of the alleged rapists, blocked Banerjee’s car from leaving the hospital.

The chaos continued for over half an hour before the minister assured the protesters of immediate police action.

The nun, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was attacked after the robbers ransacked the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Ranaghat and stole cash and other items.

A Holy Scripture was also torn and a statue of Jesus was broken.

Police said on Monday 10 men have been detained for questionin­g but no arrests have been made, even though the faces of four of the robbers were captured on CCTV footage.

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