Philippine Daily Inquirer

Truth about Cesar Montano and the pregnant girls

Good vibes surround Buboy and Sandra, whose simplicity and genuine kindness made me like her immediatel­y

- Dolly Anne Carvajal

THE ISSUE about Cesar Montano getting two women pregnant has been lingering for quite some time now. At the rate his detractors are going, Buboy (Cesar’s nickname) must be controvers­y-proof already.

Even when he’s bombarded from all sides, my BFF keeps his spirits up and dwells on the positive.

I’ve seen Buboy during his darkest hours and I’m amazed at how he never loses his sense of humor amid trials.

I sometimes hang out with Buboy and friend Sandra

Seifert. Good vibes surround them. They have such a soothing effect on each other. Sandra’s simplicity and genuine kindness made me like her immediatel­y.

Real score

Since Buboy was in the United States when the news broke out, I asked him the real score through Viber. In our usual playful banter, he replied in jest, “Maybe the rumor-monger is the one who’s pregnant.” Then he mentioned a certain Instagram account which was seemingly created just to malign him.

Knowing Buboy, he would rather cry his heart out in prayer than dignify an issue by making a comment. If ever it’s true, he will be man enough to own up to it when the right time comes. Buboy’s eldest sister

Marimer, or Ate Ched, who is based in Italy, was also dragged into the mess. Rumor has it that Sandra will stay with her in Italy and give birth there. So I thought of asking Ate Ched for her sentiments on the issue. No matter what, she will be in her brother’s corner from here to maternity, este, eternity.

Excerpts from Ate Ched’s message:

“This is in response to your message asking me for my reaction on the issues which my brother Cesar prefers not to comment on: Sandra and another woman being allegedly pregnant, and that Sandra is coming here to Italy to give birth.

“Before I provide the truth on the Italy issue, please allow me

to remind you that your BFF Buboy… is not an attentions­eeker and he does not need to be one. Undeniably, he will always be Cesar Montano, regardless of the negative issues hurled his way.

“However, if the rumor is true, so be it. Cesar is just a human being. Who is not a sinner in this world? The most important thing is if ever the rumors are true, the babies are his. I was informed by friends and relatives that he is bashed by a few who are obviously bitter… so to his bashers I would like to share this Bible verse for enlightenm­ent.

“John 8:7: And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.’

“Moreover, my brother’s silent approach is really [in] his nature. He is one who will just keep quiet to protect his beloved… A few years ago, someone stole a check from him and forged his signature and [used it to pay] somebody. Fortunatel­y, the bank manager phoned Cesar and told him about it. In the end, they discovered who the thief was but it was never taken to court. Instead, Buboy kept quiet about it to protect someone dear to him …I do hope and pray that the good actions done to these people will be remembered until their death.

“[Regarding] the rumor that Sandra is coming to Italy to give birth, how I wish it was true, as I miss the smell of a newborn baby!”

‘Smile provider’

TV5 sure knows how to stay true to its Happy Network brand by taking advantage of every chance to spread happiness, especially to those who need it most.

Recently, TV 5 gave a memorable movie treat to kids from Kythe Foundation who are afflicted with chronic illnesses. The Kapatid network took them to the 3D block screening of “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

The kids stepped out of the movie house with the biggest smiles. It was their first time to watch a movie in 3D. They could hardly contain their joy. That is happiness in its purest form.

Kudos TV 5 for being such a great “smile provider.”

 ??  ?? CESAR Montano with Boots Anson-Roa (bottom, left) and Sandra Seifert
CESAR Montano with Boots Anson-Roa (bottom, left) and Sandra Seifert
 ??  ??

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