Philippine Daily Inquirer

Guatemalan­s pick comic as their new president


GUATEMALA CITY—This is not a joke.

TV comic and self-styled outsider Jimmy Morales swept to Guatemala’s presidency on the back of popular anger against the political class after huge anticorrup­tion protests helped oust the last administra­tion.

Morales, who will assume the presidency on Jan. 14 and has never held political office, said he would get right to work with a transi-

tion team to study economic issues and work on developmen­toriented government policies.

The 46-year-old Morales overwhelmi­ngly beat former first lady Sandra Torres in a runoff vote despite his lack of government experience and some policy ideas that strike many as eccentric.

“It is not I who declare myself the winner but rather the people who have done so,” said Morales, who starred in the comedy “Moralejas.”

Smartphone­s for children

Last year, Morales quit his TV show, which centered on skits and lewd jokes, to run for the presidency.

A centrist from a humble background, he wooed voters with promises to tackle corruption and hand out millions of smartphone­s to children.

Morales claimed victory late Sunday and Torres conceded defeat after official results showed him winning around 68 percent of the votes with 97 percent of polling stations tallied.

“We recognize Jimmy Morales’ triumph and we wish him success,” Torres said. “Guatemala has serious problems but the people made their choice and we respect it.”

Ex-president jailed

Hundreds of Morales backers gathered at his party headquarte­rs, where a “banda” musical group played while they waited for the candidate.

“It is a historic vote,” said supporter Israel Orozco. “It is a response by the people to ratify hope for change.”

The runoff vote was held a month and a half after President Otto Perez Molina resigned and was jailed in connection with a sprawling customs scandal. His former vice president has also been jailed in the multimilli­ondollar graft and fraud scheme.

Hopes for change

Though the protests have died down since Perez Molina’s resignatio­n, many Guatemalan­s remain fed up with corruption and politics as usual, and Morales will face pressure to deliver immediatel­y on widespread demands for reform.

“The important thing is that the next government avoids corruption,” said Alexander Pereira, an insurance salesman who was the first to vote at one polling place.

“I hope that the next government really makes a change. We had an achievemen­t in kicking out the last government,” he said.

Election officials reported preliminar­y voter participat­ion figures as a little above 50 percent, down from 71 percent in the first round.

“The abstention and apathy catch one’s attention. We were looking at a proposal of more of the same or the other proposal which doesn’t exist,” political analyst Roberto Wagner said, referring to the platforms of Torres and Morales.

“Citizen pressure will be important for changing the structures of power,” Wagner added.

Morales and Torres were the top two vote-getters in the first round on Sept. 6, when presumed frontrunne­r Manuel Baldizon finished a surprising third—a result considered to be a rejection of Guatemala’s political establishm­ent in the wake of the corruption scandal.

The protests began in April after the scheme involving bribery at the customs agency was unveiled by Guatemalan prosecutor­s and a United Nations commission that is investigat­ing criminal networks in the country.

VP was 1st target

Investigat­ors first targeted former Vice President Roxana Baldetti, whose personal secretary was named the alleged ringleader of the scheme, and then Perez Molina.

Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre, who replaced Baldetti as vice president after she resigned, assumed the country’s top job upon Perez Molina’s departure from office.

Morales, like Torres, promised during the campaign to keep Attorney General Thelma Aldana, a key figure in the investigat­ion, and the UN commission in place.

Morales also vowed to strengthen controls and transparen­cy, saying in a debate this past week that the government had controls and auditing powers at its disposal.

No violence

“All the elements for auditing available to the presidency and vice presidency are going to be put to work,” Morales said.

Election officials and internatio­nal observers said the vote came off without violence.

“They were very calm elections,” said Juan Pablo Cordazzoli, chief of the Organizati­on of American States observer mission. “There were no serious incidents like in the first round.”


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