Philippine Daily Inquirer

Thinking with pen and paper

- By Grace Shangkuan Koo Contributo­r

THE REAM of bond paper in a low drawer of my table in the classroom is getting thin. All my students know exactly what the next activity will be whenever I give a piece to each one: I will ask or write a few questions on the board that they shall reflect on and they have to jot down any thoughts on this low-tech “thinking pad.”

I have demonstrat­ed to them how to fold the paper horizontal­ly into two parts and then turn it sideways so they can write from left to right, back and forth, on this improvised “four-page booklet.”

After some 15-30 minutes of thinking and scribbling, they are ready to speak their mind.

“Turn to your partner and share” is my famous instructio­n. With eager expectatio­n, they always do.

I love the noise and laughter of a busily engaged class. No one is left behind in recitation; the shy ones, as well as the gregarious, have a partner to help them free their thoughts. They enjoy the chatter such that, oftentimes, I have some difficulty wrapping up the warm-up.

I then ask for those who are willing to share their thoughts with the whole class. Since they have had time to think and polish their thinking in the dyad, their responses are now so much more substantiv­e and refined.

I collect the “booklets” and commence with a lecture that actually is extending or explaining, abstractin­g or extracting their views by hanging them in a framework—a psychologi­cal theory or principle.

Externaliz­ing thoughts

Whether to think about something cerebral or sentimenta­l, personal or profession­al, a pen and a paper are quite useful to generate ideas, map a plan, compose a line and even reflect on life issues. They make thinking easier, more fluent and flexible, creative and comprehens­ive.

Writing externaliz­es thinking from inside the head to the outside world. It unloads and unburdens the short-term memory so that the brain has more space to wiggle.

The pen-and-paper tool serves as external memory so that the mind does not have to expend energy on the basic processes of attending and rememberin­g, but instead to put the concentrat­ion on the higher-order thinking skills, such as reasoning, analyzing and evaluation.

I also learn more about my students and their thoughts by reading these “booklets.” So much of what they are afraid to say out loud in class are on these pieces of paper.

I am moved by the hardships some of them have gone through to have reached this place in their education and career. I am amazed by their determinat­ion and strength to overcome poverty or failures in the past, and encouraged by their hopefulnes­s for the future.

Thinking on paper is thinking out loud so that we force our thoughts through a process that sets them free from the labyrinth inside our heads and gives them a home—a place to linger before we lose them. It is articulati­ng our ramblings on paper so that we can take a good look at them, go back to them, turn them around and, in the end, create, clarify and organize the ideas into something other people can understand.

Planning books and talks

When I am invited to speak—whether for a 30-minute talk or a three-day seminar—I spend lots of time mapping out themes and concepts.

I use “thinking pads” in my study room, in my bedroom, inside the car, everywhere to jot down any thought that pops out serendipit­ously—a word I heard, a phrase I read, a metaphor I remembered, or a story I treasured.

These pages are a sight to behold—lines and arrows in different colors, with light or heavy strokes, all caps or lower cases. Over the next days or weeks, I weave these seemingly unrelated “fingerprin­ts” into a tapestry, like a toddler connecting the dots to make an image appear in a picture book.

Many of these scratch pads became the substance of books that had been published.

Once, stuck in traffic for hours, I took out a small notebook and scribbled an entire table of contents of 12 chapters for the book I would be writing next.

When I watch good documentar­ies or reports on television, I take down notes of important details. (I’m sure few people watch TV with a notebook at hand.) I then squiggle some questions and personal observatio­ns about them, which eventually appear in my class lectures.

Papers and pens are never far from my sight. They have brought me so much good!

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