Philippine Daily Inquirer

Ban firecracke­rs


IN THE days leading up to the New Year celebratio­ns, the spokesman of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Supt. Renato Marcial, made the rounds of TV and radio talk shows to press home the BFP’s proposal for a total ban on firecracke­r use by civilians on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. If that sounds like a radical, excessive solution to what many may feel is just harmless, once-a-year revelry, one need only look at the grim numbers to be disabused of the idea that firecracke­rs are not all that bad.

The Department of Health’s latest bulletin says injuries relating to firecracke­r use, most of them occurring during the New Year countdown and the parties afterwards, have hit 760. Most of the cases involved persons less than 14 years old; the first day of the new year alone saw nine children getting their fingers amputated due to severe injuries. As of Sunday, the Philippine National Police reported 51 incidents of stray bullet injuries from the indiscrimi­nate firing of guns, causing injuries to 41 people, including two deaths.

There’s some bit of good news in these figures. According to the DOH—so far, the total number of such incidents is 57 percent lower than the five-year average for the same period in 2010-2014. There have been zero cases of firecracke­r ingestion, and only two fatalities recorded, one of them the widely reported case of a drunken man who embraced a giant lit firecracke­r called “Goodbye Philippine­s.”

Apparently, the yearly informatio­n campaign launched by the DOH, PNP and BFP warning the public about the dangers of dabbling in firecracke­rs is taking effect, if ever so slowly. Still, what the DOH and BFP are publicly batting for is a step above prevention—a total firecracke­r ban to eliminate the hundreds of injuries clogging the hospitals at this time of year, most of them involving hapless minors who have to live with the painful, irreversib­le lesson of mangled limbs for the rest of their lives.

Their proposal makes a lot of sense: Ban the use of firecracke­rs by private individual­s, households and civilians, and let trained personnel instead handle such lethal materials in especially designated firecracke­r zones where people can enjoy the spectacle of fireworks safely, without having to put their lives on the line for the vicarious thrill of exploding lights and sounds.

Allowing firecracke­r use in a limited, strictly monitored setting—the way other countries are doing it—addresses, first of all, the fears of a sizeable constituen­cy of people whose livelihood­s depend on the production of fireworks and sparklers; their industry would not be wiped out, but they have, of course, to hew to the law that prohibits the sale and manufactur­e of, say, the “piccolo,” a “small but terrible monster”—as the environmen­tal watchdog Eco-Waste Coalition has called it—that remains the No. 1 cause of injuries among those foolhardy enough to play with firecracke­rs.

Restrictin­g firecracke­r use to a designated area would also help contain the terrible, acrid rubbish that litters the streets once the communal revelry is done. (What’s with Filipinos whooping it up but not taking the responsibi­lity to clean up their trash afterwards, as in the firecracke­r debris left on streets and the vast garbage that despoiled Rizal Park a day after New Year?)

Davao has shown that a total firecracke­r ban can work—and you have to give it to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte on this. Muntinlupa City has followed suit, which means that with enough political will, a destructiv­e cultural tradition can be tamed and subsumed in the general welfare.

The DOH-BFP proposal deserves wide support for the savings it can generate the government, which need no longer engage in massive public awareness and informatio­n campaigns, year after year, about the dangers of firecracke­r use, once these lethal products are summarily outlawed.

So why does Malacañang appear uninterest­ed at this time to push for such a ban? It has washed its hands of the issue, saying it’s up to Congress and the local government units to impose a total ban on firecracke­rs. What a copout. Obviously, Congress and the LGUs would need to be pushed, pestered and prodded big-time before they would consider spending time threshing out the fine points of this issue. Banning firecracke­rs may not be a politicall­y sexy argument for politician­s concerned only with being popular—but it is, for all intents and purposes, an urgent matter of public health and safety. It deserves to make noise, at the very least.

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