Philippine Daily Inquirer

Rights-based mental health bill

- By Mariejo Mariss S. Ramos

HAVE YOU watched “A Beautiful Mind?” asked Dave Salazar, 20. “It’s a biography of John Nash, a mathematic­al genius who suffers from schizophre­nia.”

Whatever connection­s and similariti­es Dave finds in the film, who’s also a schizophre­nic, the message for him is clear: People with mental illness should not be portrayed as one-dimensiona­l beings. Like gender roles and socioecono­mic classes, mental illness should not fall prey to limiting categories and stereotypi­ng. For Dave, education is crucial. “Everyone should be educated on mental illness and its different types. There are actual consequenc­es that affect people with mental illness when you make fun of them. This is a thing that exists, other countries accept this and treat this as any other illness.”

The stigma, said Dr. June Lopez, professor of psychiatry at University of the Philippine­s College of Medicine, stems from inadequate mental health services.

“Imagine a psychotic, dirty and violent, roaming inside a community. It becomes an embarrassm­ent, yes—but that is an untreated person. It becomes a stigma because a lot of people with mental health disorders remain untreated,” Lopez said. “Access to appropriat­e, adequate mental health services and education of the public is important… and right now we don’t have enough budget for that.”

Loopholes in handling mentally-ill patients both by families and profession­als can also be traced from the lack of a mental health legislatio­n.

“It is important to know the extent of the capacity of a mentally-ill person to understand his/her illness,“Lopez said. “If you are psychotic and you’re not in touch with reality, how would you admit that you’re sick?” she asked.

This is where parents and health profession­als should intervene, she said, to prevent patients from harming themselves and others. Voluntary treatment does not work in that case.

But lack of consent of patients for treatment also has its limitation­s.

“You cannot be placed inside a medical facility without your consent, and there should even be a legal procedure to place you there,” she said. That’s when the need for a law comes in. “It’s a difficult situation if we don’t have a law, because a law can provide that under emergency situations, parents can bring the patients, especially minors, to a psychiatri­st and can order that this patient can be confined against his/her will ’cause he/she has no capacity to decide for himself/herself. After a certain time, say one month of confinemen­t, there should be a review either by hospital authoritie­s, psychiatri­st in charge or a lawyer to protect the patient from languishin­g all his/her life in the psychiatri­c ward,” she said.

Mental health bill

Given the sorry state of mental health in the country, advocates are doing what they can to gain the attention patients deserve. On Oct. 29, 2014, about 500 participan­ts flocked to the SMXAura Convention Center for the 2nd Healthy Mind Summit and supported the passage of the draft mental health bill presented by Sen. Pia Cayetano.

An online campaign,, kicked off last year that persuaded supporters to sign the petition urging legislator­s to pass the proposed mental health act at

On Nov. 11, 2014, barely a month after the Healthy Mind Summit, Sen. Loren Legarda filed Senate Bill No. 2450 or the proposed Philippine Mental Health Act of 2014. In Congress, Rep. Leni Gerona-Robredo, Romero Quimbo, Ibarra Gutierrez, Walden Bello, Karlo Alexei Nograles, Kaka Bag-ao and Emmi de Jesus all agreed to support the Philippine Mental Health Act of 2015 through House Bill No. 5347 on Jan. 21, 2015.

On Aug. 19, 2015, Sen. Pia Cayetano filed Senate Bill No. 2910 or the draft Mental Health Act of 2015. The original draft has undergone 22 versions in consultati­ons with various stakeholde­rs, patients and family groups.

The Philippine mental health bill recognizes the need to protect the rights and freedoms of persons with mental health needs and to reduce the burden brought by their condition.

The bill aims to forward an “integrated, well-planned, effectivel­y organized and efficientl­y delivered mental health-care system that responds to their mental health needs in equity with their physical health needs.”

In a country where discussion of crucial bills like the proposed Reproducti­ve Health Law and rape bill has taken at least a decade, Lopez and her co-advocates know the road will not be easy.

“What will be in the bill is something that needs more consultati­on but we have included the stakeholde­rs (in the crafting of the bill)… to discuss the best strategies so we can come up with a compromise and structure the bill in such a way that it could be within existing budgets,” said Lopez. “We need the DOH (Department of Health), the DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t) and the Commission on Human Rights to be behind us.”

Rights-based approach

The mental health bill that is now in Congress is rights-based—it aims to forward the rights of the patients and the obligation­s of the state.

According to Lopez, in a public health legislatio­n the goal is to reduce the prevalence of a certain illness, nothing more. But a rights-based law comes from the right of everyone to access adequate and competent medical services.

“The rights-based approach invokes the right of the patient to access adequate healthcare and to be treated with respect and his/her rights to be protected in the process. You’re not only looking at that goal, but you’re also looking at how you would achieve the goal,” she said.

Dave believes that mentally-ill people’s rights are coupled with the responsibi­lity to inform people about their limits.

He concluded: “Everyone is a complex and beautiful person and I do believe that even those who are mentally ill are complex and beautiful themselves. And they should learn to look at them in that light. (Being) different doesn’t mean you don’t fit on earth, and can’t function as a normal human being. You’re still a normal human being, you just have some scratches on you, some skinks, but that’s what makes you normal, unique.”

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