Philippine Daily Inquirer

What’s it all about?

- Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD

THE STORY is told about a boy who, coming home from school one day, handed his father a new pair of eyeglasses with a smile and delight in his eyes. Whereupon the father said, “Why did you buy this? Where did you get the money? What made you think I needed this? Why didn’t you ask me first if I needed this? Blah, blah, blah.” The boy was silent, and then said: “Dad, I saved my allowance. I was hoping that with this new pair of eyeglasses, you will see me better, and you will speak to me words more gentle…”

In today’s Gospel (Lk. 9:18-24), Jesus asks the question: “Who do you say I am?” Jesus teaches us not to focus on or become too engrossed in our image or public opinion. Rather, let us focus on our personal value and worth, and our relationsh­ip with Him. What matters most is not what people say about us, or what we say about ourselves, but what God says about us.

*** Today is Fathers Day. Please be reminded that success outside the home cannot compensate for failure inside the home. The world can say a lot of great things about you, and about your achievemen­ts, but if your children do not have a high regard or respect for you, then you have missed the whole point.

*** We honor lawyer Federico Ricafort, older brother of Fr. Herminio “Among” Ricafort, SVD. Attorney Ricafort has been a good father to his family, and a good father to so many public school teachers whose lives he uplifted. He was a public school teacher for 43 years, and one can just imagine the effect he had on so many students. As the head of the Manila Public Schools Associatio­n in the 1980s, he helped a lot of teachers who, in turn, went on to help so many children... And the multiplier effect goes on. People who live substantia­l and meaningful lives are never gone. At 85, Sir, mission accomplish­ed!

*** It is funny and amusing how some people are always looking for attention, honor and praise, always seeking the spotlight and wanting to be at the center stage. If it happens, it happens. But to dream about it, to be so obsessed with it, and to be so passionate to become a personalit­y, a celebrity, a superstar, a hero, or an idol—that’s not what life is all about. Let us not take that lonely, shallow road of people who are full of insecuriti­es, pride and vanity.

*** The Lord points to us the road of humility, hiddenness and simplicity. It is a winding, rugged road that leads to meaning and peace, along with trials and persecutio­ns. What the Lord is telling us is that this life is not about ourselves. We need to follow something or someone greater than ourselves. We must live for something or someone that will outlive us.

*** We are living in a world that knows a lot, but it is a world that does not care much. Knowledge and informatio­n are so available anywhere, anytime. It is a world that talks a lot but does not listen enough; a world that watches a lot but does not get involved enough; a world that writes and reads a lot but is not concerned enough; a world that pays and plays a lot but does not pray enough.

Do you read the obituary section of the newspaper or even just browse it? Or do you take the time to pray for the souls of the departed? You should. Your name will be on an obituary someday. Remember, the obituary section is the most accurate section of the newspaper, and the most objective reminder of what life is all about.

*** You are invited by Fr. Jerome Marquez, SVD, parish priest of Sacred Heart in Kamuning, Quezon City, to a music festival on June 25 starting at 7 p.m. to celebrate the 75th founding anniversar­y of the parish. Twelve new song compositio­ns about the Sacred Heart will be featured, to be sung by Jaime Rivera, Fr. Raul Caga, SVD, Ilsa Reyes, and other individual­s and choirs. Admission is free. For inquiries, please call the Sacred Heart Parish at 9290419.

*** Think about this: “Take time for quality time: to smile when you are sad; to rest when you are tired; to love when you are empty; to let go of pain when you are hurt; to pray and have quality time with God.”

*** Bantay Matanda invites you to a lay forum on the Expanded Senior Citizens Act at Tuklong ni San Jose, Christ the King Seminary, E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City, on June 25 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. For inquiries, please call 3732262 or 0917416784­9.

A moment with the Lord: Lord, remind us that life is not so much about us as about You. Amen.

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