Philippine Daily Inquirer


- By Marlon Ramos @MRamosINQ

A Pasay City lower court judge has been ordered dismissed by the Supreme Court for gross insubordin­ation and sending sexually explicit messages to a fellow judge.

In an 85-page consolidat­ed ruling, the high court ordered the immediate relief of Judge Eliza B. Yu of the Pasay Metropolit­an Trial Court Branch 47. This was after she was found guilty of several administra­tive complaints filed by her fellow judges and court personnel.

Yu, a former government prosecutor, was also directed by the high tribunal to explain in writing why she should not be disbarred for violation of the Lawyer’s Oath, the Code of Profession­al Responsibi­lity and the Canons of Profession­al Ethics.

“The grossness and severity of her offenses taken together demonstrat­ed Judge Yu’s unfitness and incompeten­ce to fur- ther discharge the office and duties of a judge,” the court said in its Nov. 22 ruling, a copy of which was released last week.

The administra­tive complaints against Yu stemmed from her refusal to comply with the Supreme Court’s administra­tive order in 2011 which establishe­d “night courts” to expedite the handling of criminal cases of foreign tourists.

Said the court: “To tolerate her insubordin­ation and gross misconduct is to abet lawless- ness on her part. She deserved to be removed from the service because she thereby revealed her unworthine­ss of being part of the judiciary.”

Yu was also found guilty of sending “inappropri­ate messages with sexual undertones” to a fellow judge when she was still a state prosecutor.

Besides her dismissal as court officer, the court also moved to forfeit all her benefits and banned her for life from working in government.

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