Philippine Daily Inquirer

Getting the most from infra spending

- VINOD THOMAS Vinod Thomas is a visiting professor at the Asian Institute of Management and a former director general for independen­t evaluation at the World Bank.

The government­s of the Philippine­s, China, India and Indonesia, as well as the incoming US administra­tion, have made infrastruc­ture the central plank of their growth strategies. At the same time, the Asian Developmen­t Bank, the World Bank and the new China-founded Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank are ramping up financing for energy, transport and telecommun­ications.

It’s not hard to see why infrastruc­ture is the growth driver of choice amid difficult global economic conditions: By one estimate, a 10-percent increase in infrastruc­ture investment can contribute to 1-percent growth in gross domestic product. But for such impacts to happen, several things must be done right.

Assessment­s of infrastruc­ture projects in developing economies frequently cite the need for better implementa­tion, often just by getting back to the basics of sound project management, and the need for building the capacities of government agencies tasked with carrying out these projects. Operations and maintenanc­e are crucial for project success once the bulldozers have gone, yet these crucial infrastruc­ture areas get too little attention—one suspects because they are less eye-catching and politicall­y rewarding than building new infrastruc­ture.

But keeping infrastruc­ture projects as simple as possible is not the solution, because complexity can bring gains. Consider the value of partnershi­ps which carry costs of coordinati­on, but can also add value. A review of 442 projects supported by the Asian Developmen­t Bank during the period 2000-2014 indicated that those with cofinancin­g with partners had an 81-percent success rate, compared to 67 percent for those that did not. Safeguards to ensure that infrastruc­ture projects do not damage the environmen­t also bring costs. Yet a review of projects with high environmen­tal risks had an 84-percent success compared to 62 percent with lower risks and 57 percent with very low risks, signaling the critical value of environmen­tal care provided in the former.

Increased infrastruc­ture spending needs to be balanced by investment­s in health and education to get the promised benefits from better infrastruc­ture. But government spending on education as a share of GDP in developing Asia in the late 2000s was less than 4 percent, compared to an average of 5.2 percent in the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t’s high-income countries. For spending on health, developing Asia’s 4-percent share in GDP compared with the OECD’s 7.4 percent.

Infrastruc­ture investment­s must also keep up with the times and not just repeat past practices. They need to foster technologi­cal innovation and become climate-friendly. In transport, investment is needed in alternativ­e fuels to reduce the carbon footprint, in traffic analytics for better management of congestion, and in transit ridership to promote intermodal transport. Port facilities, a major asset in the Philippine­s and much of Southeast Asia, are ripe for upgrading to reduce handling times, and for modernizin­g computer and security systems.

New technologi­es will be vital in the fight against climate change. The solar industry in China, India, the Philippine­s and Central Asia symbolizes technologi­cal progress in renewable sources. But the use of solar, wind, tidal, geothermal and biomass needs to expand vastly. The variabilit­y in output from solar and wind sources is higher than from coal-fired power generation plants. Solutions being found include battery storage, smart grids and demand measures.

Fifteen of the world’s 20 most polluted cities are in Asia. Fuel and engine efficiency can be improved, as shown by Busan, South Korea, where higher licensing fees are charged for trucks that do not comply with emission standards.

Traffic congestion is a nightmare in many of the region’s cities. The proposed Edsa bus rapid transit system will be watched to see whether it can ease traffic and reduce long commutes. The experience of others has been generally positive; one in Guangzhou, China, is estimated to be saving 30 million passenger hours a year.

Finally, it matters how investment­s are financed. If done mainly through public borrowing, administra­tions need to account for the effect of debt servicing on other vital investment­s such as in health and education. An infrastruc­ture splurge that relies heavily on public borrowing could lead to inflation, and here the experience of Latin America is a cautionary tale.

Shifting investment­s from the government’s books to the private sector will help. But this will require establishi­ng user charges, reforming enterprise regulation­s and getting a political consensus. Public-private partnershi­ps have been shown to cut project implementa­tion times, as they did with notable results in India’s Hyderabad Internatio­nal Airport. This is an alliance that the Philippine­s is keen to forge to address the country’s infrastruc­ture gaps.

It is not enough to spend more on physical infrastruc­ture. The spending must signal better quality, encourage innovation and ensure sustainabl­e financing.


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