Philippine Daily Inquirer

Fighting poverty


We live in a nation in the Far East, surrounded by a vast expanse of waters. We are a nation of thousands of islands. Though we speak in different languages and dialects, our hearts speak of the same spirit of belonging. We are a nation of Filipinos, bound by a colorful history, a tortuous present, and hopes for a better tomorrow.

We are a nation that values education but has underfunde­d projects for pursuing such an ideal. We have cramped classrooms with leaking ceilings and broken wooden chairs. There are children roaming the streets day and night instead of studying in school or at home doing their homework before bedtime. Sadly, some families do not have the capability to send their children to school.

Weare a nation that values health but has a limited capacity to provide free healthcare for the needy. There is a constant need for social welfare support. The queue of indigents seeking affordable health service is endless. The number of Filipinos seeking admission to tertiary hospitals is far too much to be accommodat­ed by the system. Some of us are living under the poverty line. Some do not have a decent place to stay. Some do not eat enough in a day.

Weare a nation that boasts a booming economy, showing the burgeoning gap between the rich and poor. We have tall, gleaming buildings and shabby, makeshift houses. Some of us are dressed expensivel­y and fashionabl­y, while many of us wear torn and dirty clothing. We are a developing country. And we are still a nation of poverty.

Poverty can be debilitati­ng. It can make us lose our morale. But poverty should push us. Let it inspire us to innovate and to succeed despite adversity. Let our arduous past and challengin­g situation drive us to dream. Let us not be discourage­d by the smoke and dust. Let us continue to hope, to allow ourselves to dream big, to dream bigger than ourselves or what we can see on the horizon.

In a nation afflicted with dearth, there is no room for indolence. Let poverty move us to action. Let every hand be soiled and calloused by hard work. Let us sleep and dream but remember that success is made by years of perseveran­ce and patience in the waking hours.

Our nation may be ravaged by storms and floods, but let them not destroy our spirit. Some ceilings may leak, but let us not be dishearten­ed. Let us keep our eyes ablaze with passion and the drive to have a better future. With every bead of sweat, we should think of our future as a nation.

We are a nation of fighters. We have proven that in the fight for our independen­ce. Now is the time to prove it again, as we fight poverty as a nation.

Marnelli R. Bangloy, 28, is a permit acquisitio­n officer.

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