Philippine Daily Inquirer

SC pressed anew to lift TROon contracept­ives

- By Julie M. Aurelio @JMAurelioI­NQ

Women may find themselves with no access to contracept­ive methods in the future—but not only that.

Contracept­ives may become illegal in the future if the Supreme Court does not lift its rulings which impede the full implementa­tion of the Responsibl­e Parenthood and Reproducti­ve Health Law.

This developed as the Commission on Population ( PopCom) and other reproducti­ve health advocates submitted its petition seeking to reverse the temporary restrainin­g orders (TROs) on contracept­ives in the country.

Elizabeth Angsioco of the Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippine­s (DSWP) pointed out that the situation might lead to contracept­ives becoming contraband.

“You may have the money but you can’t buy any contracept­ives because these will become contraband or illegal. Zero contracept­ive access is a slap and kick to women,” she said on Friday.

The DSWP, along with the PopCom and other groups, submitted a total of 283,481 signatures appealing to the Supreme Court to lift the twin TROs issued in 2015 which affect contracept­ives.

“Millions of women’s health and lives are on the line. We trust that the Supreme Court remains the bastion of justice, and will correct this injustice done to our women,” they told the high court.

One of the TROs in question is against the procuring, selling, distributi­ng, dispensing or administer­ing, of the hormonal contracept­ive Implanon and Implanon NXT.

The other TRO bans the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) from renewing the certificat­es of product registrati­on (CPRs) of 48 contracept­ive products, which include pills, injections and implants.

PopCom executive director Juan Antonio Perez III said 15 CPRs of contracept­ives expired in 2016 and 10 in May 2017, leaving only 23 contracept­ives available.

He said that by 2020, there would be no contracept­ives available in the market if the CPRs would continue to expire and remain unrenewed.

“These signatorie­s all over the country signed this multisecto­ral petition to urge the high court to lift the TROs that are almost 2 years old,” Perez said.

The PopCom has previously warned that with the TROs in place, unintended pregnancie­s may rise, as well as cases of abortion, maternal death and a spike in the population.

Angsioco pointed out that should contracept­ives eventually become unregister­ed and illegal, whoever buys or sells them would be violating the law and may be apprehende­d.

The situation may also lead to smuggling of contracept­ives “because there will be a huge demand, and the supply will be problemati­c.”

“There is no assurance on quality and safety since these are not subjected to FDA processes. There might even be fake ones sold in the black market. Those from legitimate sources abroad may be safe and effective but still illegal here,” she said.

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