Philippine Daily Inquirer

Comey may spell trouble for Trump


Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that US President Donald Trump expected loyalty and hoped Comey would drop an investigat­ion of a former top aide could bolster obstructio­n of justice allegation­s against Trump, according to experts. Such allegation­s might be used for impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

WASHINGTON— Former FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday that US President Donald Trump asked him to drop an investigat­ion of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as part of a probe into Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidenti­al election.

In a written testimony released the day before he was scheduled to appear before the Senate intelligen­ce committee, Comey said Trump told him at a meeting in the White House in February: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.”

The testimony puts more pressure on Trump, a Republican, whose presidency has been overshadow­ed by allegation­s that Moscow helped him win last year’s election.

Some legal experts said Comey’s testimony could strengthen any impeachmen­t case built on obstructio­n of justice, but US markets shrugged off the news from the testimony for lack of any major disclosure­s.

To build a criminal obstructio­n of justice case, federal law requires prosecutor­s to show that a person acted with “corrupt” intent. It does not matter whether the person succeeds in impeding an investigat­ion.

While a sitting president is unlikely to face criminal prosecutio­n, obstructio­n of justice could form the basis for impeachmen­t.

Comey said he had told Trump on three occasions that he was not being investigat­ed, confirming an earlier account from the president.

Several congressio­nal committees, as well as the FBI and a special counsel, are investigat­ing whether Russia tried to tilt last November’s election in Trump’s favor, using means such as hacking into the e-mails of senior Democrats.

Trump and the Kremlin have separately denied any collusion.

Trump abruptly fired Comey, who was leading the FBI’s probe, on May 9.

Comey painted a vivid picture for senators of awkward encounters with Trump in seven pages of testimony.

Comey described a private dinner in the Green Room of the White House on Jan. 26, where Trump asked him whether he wanted to stay on as FBI director, telling him: “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.”

“I didn’t move, speak, or changemyfa­cial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence,” Comey said in his testimony, explaining he became concerned that Trump was trying to create “some sort of patronage relationsh­ip.”

‘Let this go’

On Feb. 14, after an Oval Office briefing on counterter­rorism, Trump asked Comey to stay behind, dismissing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who lingered, and waving off Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who peeked through the door.

“When the door by the grandfathe­r clock closed, and we were alone, the president began by saying, ‘I want to talk about Mike Flynn,’” Comey said in his testimony.

Trump had fired Flynn the previous day in a controvers­y over contacts between the retired general and the Russian ambassador to the United States.

The FBI has been investigat­ing Flynn as it looks into allegation­s of links between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Comey quoted Trump as telling him: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

On March 30, Trump phoned Comey and asked what “we could do to lift the cloud” of the FBI’s Russia investigat­ion.

“He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia,” Comey said, who had briefed Trump on “salacious material” that had arisen in a counterint­elligence investigat­ion.

Michael Cohen, a lawyer for Trump, said in a statement that the uncorrobor­ated dossier of compromisi­ng material that Russian operatives allegedly collected on Trump had been “debunked.”

“Comey’s statement released today needs to be carefully scrutinize­d as his testimony claims the president was concerned about the dossier,” Cohen said.

Cohen, along with Flynn, has been subpoenaed by the House intelligen­ce committee, which is also conducting a Russia probe.

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