Philippine Daily Inquirer



US bars are offering $5 Russian vodka drinks, “impeachmin­t” cocktails and free drinks with every presidenti­al tweet to draw crowds on Thursday to watch fired FBI Director James Comey’s televised testimony to Congress.

Television “watch parties,” typically hosted for sporting events and awards shows, are planned at homes and bars across the country for Comey’s 10 a.m. appearance before the Senate intelligen­ce committee.

During “the Super Bowl of Washington,” as it was billed by Axelrad Beer Garden in Houston, the former director will testify that US President Donald Trump tried to get him to scale back the agency’s investigat­ion into Russia’s alleged interferen­ce in the 2016 US presidenti­al election.

Friendly debate

“Join us for an early morning beer and engage in friendly debate with fellow patrons,” a post on the Axelrad Facebook page said.

The bar also is serving a drink called the impeachmin­t.

In Washington, Shaw’s Tavern was one of several bars promising to open its doors a half hour before Comey begins speaking, with a $10 “FBI” breakfast special.

In this case, FBI stands not for Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion, but French toast, bacon and ice cream.

“Grab your friends, grab a drink and let’s Covfefe!” the tavern said on Facebook, referring to a truncated Trump tweet last week with that word that left some people scratching their heads.

The Partisan bar just off the tourist-rich National Mall will offer “The Last Word” and “Drop the Bomb” cocktails, and “The Patriot” breakfast sandwich.

“We’ve got two TVs in our bar and we’re going to have the audio on full blast,” said Molly Hippolitus, a spokespers­on for the bar’s owners. “I’m expecting a pretty good mix, a bipartisan crowd to show up.”

The Union Pub in Washington planned to buy patrons a round of drinks every time Trump, a frequent tweeter, makes a post on Twitter during Comey’s testimony.

Several bars in San Francisco will open as early as 6 a.m. PDT to allow patrons to gather for the testimony.

“It’s important for us to be well-informed,” said bartender Darren “Buddy” Jaques at The Mix, where the TV will be tuned into the hearing.

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