Philippine Daily Inquirer

Writing simply and concisely

- ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN ———— Comments to chiefjusti­cepanganib­

In my foreword to an issue of the Ateneo Law Journal some time ago, I wrote: “When I was still a law student over 50 years ago, courts were absolutely sacrosanct. Supreme Court justices were regarded as little deities on Mount Olympus, whose decisions and pronouncem­ents were revered with biblical finality and obeyed dutifully by everyone living in the plains.”

Hermetic isolation. Truly, magistrate­s were thought to possess infinite wisdom and absolute fairness. Their word was sacred and infallible. Their internal processes were confidenti­al and kept from the scrutiny of mere mortals.

In keeping with their immortal status, the justices lived in hermetic isolation. Untouched and unaffected by the hustle and bustle of ordinary life, they took a vow of silence amid the most hectic political and social crises besetting the nation. They spoke only via their decisions and orders.

No one dared lampoon the Court and the justices. The sub judice rule was strictly observed. No one commented on a pending case without risking the ire of the gods.

Judicial decisions were often written in esoteric legalese. Law students had difficulty decipherin­g the ratio decidendi that is often buried in kilometric sentences.

Informatio­n Age. Nowadays, for better or for worse, media cameras and inquisitiv­e reporters have invaded the judicial enclave. Investigat­ive journalist­s have “humanized” the conduct of the justices. Public interest cases have lost their sub judice status and are freely discussed everywhere.

Indeed, we now live in a free society amplified by the informatio­n revolution and fortified by the constituti­onal prescripti­ons of accountabi­lity and transparen­cy. While television, radio and newspapers still dominate the mass media, the internet, broadband and social media are supplement­ing, if not slowly replacing, these traditiona­l one-way methods of communicat­ions.

Conscious of my difficulty as a student in reading and understand­ing decisions, I endeavored to simplify them after I joined the Supreme Court in 1995. I tried my best to write in unadorned English, with as little legalese as possible. Simplifyin­g decisions. I followed an identifiab­le pattern of writing decisions that has since been imbedded in “Velarde vs Social Justice Party” (April 28, 2004). In my ponencia in that case, I detailed how a decision should be written, pursuant to the constituti­onal mandate that “[n]o decision shall be rendered by any court without expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based.” As to form, I explained that the “essential parts of a good decision consists of 1) statement of the case; 2) statement of the facts; 3) issues or assignment of errors; 4) court ruling, in which each issue is, as a rule, separately considered and resolved; and finally, 5) dispositiv­e portion.” A prologue and an epilogue are added in high-profile cases.

Since then, most decisions followed the pattern initiated in the Velarde decision. Simpler language was used without losing the distinct flavor of words, the nuances of meanings and the shades of difference­s.

Yearly, I wrote a book explaining the unknown internal processes of the Court, its major decisions for that year, and the reforms planned and undertaken to speed up the dispensati­on of quality justice.

After I retired from the Court, I continued my effort to simplify legal complexiti­es in my columns so lay people can understand jurisprude­nce. I want them to appreciate and internaliz­e judicial decisions so they can become more responsibl­e and participat­ive citizens.

As a column writer, my biggest challenge is still how to shorten my articles because space is severely limited. This limitation became more stringent after the Inquirer adopted its current format which allowed columnists only 4,100 characters, in lieu of 5,600 under the old format. I know that I must adjust more stringentl­y to the Digital Age, forget long-winded legalese, simplify, and get to the point pronto.

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