Philippine Daily Inquirer


- By Jovic Yee

What role would Communicat­ions Assistant Secretary Margaux “Mocha” Uson and blogger RJ Nieto play in a group that promises to make social media a safer place?

Ask President Duterte’s eldest daughter, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, and her newly launched progovernm­ent multisecto­ral group, Tapang at Malasakit Alliance for the Philippine­s, which counts among its members Uson and Nieto, both of whom have repeatedly been called out for spreading false informatio­n through their respective social media pages.

But Public Works Undersecre­tary Karen Jimeno, the group’s spokespers­on, maintained that allowing healthy discussion­s on social media on the various issues confrontin­g the country would be one of the group’s goals.

“The good thing about this alliance, because there are bloggers accused of spreading fake news or maybe inappropri­ate behavior on social media, that’s something we will also seek [to address]. We’ll talk to them to make social media a safer place,” Jimeno said.

She pointed out that “extreme political partisansh­ip is destructiv­e to communal conversati­on that is part of politics.”

Restrainin­g members

“We can exchange views, different ideas. But mudslingin­g, attacking or threatenin­g [those who have a different view from us], that does not add anything [to the conversati­on],” Jimeno said.

“We will really try as an alliance to talk to our members not to be like that. And I hope that the people not part of the alliance can also adopt the same behavior,” she added.

Launched at a posh ballroom in Bonifacio Global City, the event was attended by government officials and key administra­tion allies, such as presidenti­al spokespers­on Ernesto Abella, Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. Chair Andrea Domingo, Taguig Mayor Lani Cayetano, Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos.

Call to the public

Duterte-Carpio pointed out that the group was not a response to the opposition’s #TindigPili­pinas, but rather a call to the public to “unite and work together for our country.”

In fact, she added that members of #TindigPili­pinas, whom she earlier called “power hungry,” are “welcome to be a part of the alliance.”

Despite her recent attacks on her father’s critics, Duterte-Carpio maintained that she “believes in dissent because it is a facet of democracy.”

“However, it is a different matter altogether if you lie just to oppose. If you paint a sad and hopeless Philippine­s [abroad], if it’s the [ country’s] reputation that is being destroyed, that’s already wrong,” she said.

 ?? —EDWIN BACASMAS ?? Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano (leftmost), Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, Public Works Undersecre­tary Karen Jimeno, Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada clench their fists during the launch of the Tapang at Malasakit...
—EDWIN BACASMAS Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano (leftmost), Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, Public Works Undersecre­tary Karen Jimeno, Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada clench their fists during the launch of the Tapang at Malasakit...

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