Philippine Daily Inquirer

What are we in ‘werpa’ for?


Sen. Chiz Escudero is a political cipher; I always find myself questionin­g my understand­ing of his place in contempora­ry politics. Is that really all he stands for? I always think he is better than some of us give him credit for—and then he says something again that suggests he is not an idealistic young man with a vocation for politics but rather a privileged politician with a readiness for realpoliti­k.

At a “kapihan” at the Senate last week, he tried to paint a portrait of political normalcy: “Isn’t this like what the past administra­tion did, threaten the former ombudsman with impeachmen­t, who then resigned? Impeach the sitting chief justice, who was [convicted]? Jailed three sitting senators and his predecesso­r (referring to President Benigno Aquino III’s predecesso­r, President Gloria Arroyo)? No one said we were headed toward dictatorsh­ip then,” he said in Filipino.

That’s because we were not in fact headed toward dictatorsh­ip then. Wefail our democracy when we use our UP education and Georgetown degree to argue for false equivalenc­e.

The argument that the Duterte administra­tion’s political agenda is just politics as usual tells us more about what the arguer thinks politics is (the allocation of power, plain and simple) rather than current political reality (power is being used to silence critics, create a permanent sense of national security risk, accumulate even more power for its own sake). There is a real danger that the Senate Escudero represents will become irrelevant or even eventually be dismantled if the administra­tion’s plan to capture total control of the political infrastruc­ture—either through a revision of the constituti­onal order or through the “autogolpe” that is the “revolution­ary government” last card—comes to pass.

If the administra­tion’s primary political objective is the eliminatio­n of the checks and balances that undergird the political system, through the fullest possible consolidat­ion of power, we have graduated from normalcy to crisis. Nothing less than the fate of our demo- cratic project is at stake. Am I only being alarmist? Consider: 1. The high officials the Duterte political alliance sees as standing in the way of total control have all been threatened with impeachmen­t: Vice President Leni Robredo, for making a speech; Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, for allegedly purchasing an expensive service vehicle; Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, for literally allowing her office to do its job of holding even the President to account. None of the charges rise to the level of impeachabl­e offenses.

(In contrast, Chief Justice Renato Corona tried to hide some 90 percent of his wealth—surely a disqualify­ing offense enough to impeach him.)

2. Opposition senators are being systematic­ally harassed. The detention of Sen. Leila de Lima on fabricated charges is only the most egregious example. Sen. Risa Hontiveros is facing patently absurd charges; Sen. Bam Aquino is the constant target of abuse by amere assistant secretary; Sen. Sonny Trillanes is the subject of threats by the President and his politician-daughter.

(In contrast, the three senators who were charged with plunder used to be part of the supermajor­ity in the Senate in Aquino’s time, and now face trial because of voluminous evidence.)

3. The administra­tion’s demonizati­on of the traditiona­l media and its blatant use of misinforma­tion (starting from the President, who exaggerate­s all the time and lied about the use of “Chinese rifles” to kill Isnilon Hapilon and Omar Maute) have created not only a hostile environmen­t for journalist­s but also an inhospitab­le terrain for the truth. Has any administra­tion since Ferdinand Marcos’ ever appointed officials whose main responsibi­lity is, not to put the best possible spin on the sometimes unpalatabl­e truth, but to tell outright lies? This culture of misinforma­tion, which even Escudero must be aware of, degrades the ordinary citizen’s capacity to hold government officials to account.

4. The thousands of extrajudic­ial killings that have troubled our conscience­s since June 30 last year have intimidate­d not only the masses but even the political class.

5. The many threats the President has uttered—to disregard Senate findings in the execution of Mayor Rolando Espinosa, to attack officials he doesn’t like, to declare nationwide martial law, to impose a revolution­ary government, and so on—are both unpreceden­ted and unpresiden­tial.

In Philippine history, the President’s frank view of transactio­nal politics found its perfect expression in something Senate President Jose Avelino is supposed to have said. (The main version of events, however, has been disputed.) In a candid caucus with President Elpidio Quirino, he reportedly argued against the ruling Liberal Party investigat­ing itself. “Para que estamos en poder?” What are we in power for? In the year of the “lodi,” we can update the question: What are we in “werpa” for?

This much we can and must say: Total werpa, beyond accountabi­lity, is dictatorsh­ip.

———— I am grateful I was able to join last Sunday Xavier University’s 20th weekly mission to the evacuation centers in Marawi that it supports. I will write on this at greater length, one of these days.

———— On Twitter: @jnery_newsstand

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