Philippine Daily Inquirer



WASHINGTON— US President Donald Trump hit the US court system after it stopped his plans against young immigrants while he pushed a “bill of love” on immigratio­n issues, including a wall along the US border with Mexico.

“It just shows everyone how broken and unfair” the court system is, Trump tweeted on Wednesday after US District Judge William Alsup prevented Trump from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) program while lawsuits were pending.

Trump complained that those opposed to his policies “almost always” win in the federal court district that includes Alsup.

‘Irreparabl­e harm’

The judge ruled that young immigrants “were likely to suffer serious, irreparabl­e harm” if Daca was stopped while their cases were pending.

But it was not yet clear what effect the ruling might have on congressio­nal negotiatio­ns seeking a compromise on immigratio­n issues.

During a meeting at the White House, Trump said an immigratio­n deal could be reached in two phases—first by a “bill of love” that addresses young immigrants and border security.

Then a second bill covering contentiou­s issues involving 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

“I’ll take all the heat you want [for both Republican­s and Democrats],” Trump told about two dozen congressme­n. “But you are not that far away from comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform.”

Republican­s will need Democratic votes to prevent a federal shutdown in 10 days, but Democrats threatened to withhold their votes without an immigratio­n agreement.

Four areas

After the meeting, the White House and lawmakers said there was agreement to limit the immediate bill to four areas: border security, family-based “chain migration,” a visa lottery and how to revive the Daca program.

That Obama-era program provides about 800,000 so-called Dreamers a shield from deportatio­n and the right to work legally but Trump claims Obama exceeded his authority on Daca.

However, Trump also showed flexibilit­y on his bill of love and even offered willingnes­s to compromise on his plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico.—

 ?? AFP FILE PHOTO ?? HELP DREAMERS Immigrants stage a protest in front of the White House in September to protest US President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.—
AFP FILE PHOTO HELP DREAMERS Immigrants stage a protest in front of the White House in September to protest US President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.—

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