Philippine Daily Inquirer



My grandson Isaac is one of the 830,000 children administer­ed with the Dengvaxia vaccine. Ordinary layman that I am, I think the core of the problem emanated from political interventi­on with the consent of former health secretary Janette Garin. Some questions: •

Who gave the order to Garin to purchase and implement? Sino kaya ang “tirador" if she is not the one? •

Who gave the assurance for funding? •

Who gave the legal basis that it does not violate election laws? •

Why did then President Noynoy Aquino give the go signal after the Sanofi meetings?

For and on behalf of the 830,000 children vaccinated with Dengvaxia, my grandson included, I want to know: •

How long do we have to wait for the vaccine to do damage? One, two, three years ? •

Does anyone feel the pain of the parents whose children died? Can you quantify the cost for the loss of a loved one? •

What is this we hear that drug companies are funding government personnel from the Department of Health, Food and Drug Administra­tion, etc.? Is this country already under “mafia-controlled” multinatio­nal drug companies? •

Will the government correct the situation?

To DOH and Department of Budget and Management officials under P-Noy, among others, have you considered the future of the 830,000 persons who are still in a quandary until now?

We just hope that your conscience will bother you daily ( with sleepless nights coupled with nightmares) for the next 2,274 days ( 830,000 vaccinated individual­s divided by 365 days) if ever you live that long.


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