Philippine Daily Inquirer


- MINERVA F. LOPEZ, cocounsel for the petitioner Cullamat et al.,

Oscar Franklin Tan has been bragging for the longest time he has mastered the Constituti­on when, in fact, he has turned out to be all too fallible.

But we simply attribute his pontificat­ions to the arrogance of tablet-pounding, armchair lawyers who simply want to be noticed by name-dropping those who supposedly belong to his social network. This, in an attempt to imbue value to the currency of his discourse in a milieu where it would not even afford him the jeepney fare to the Supreme Court in Padre Faura.

Otherwise, he could be ridiculous.

Blaming the media and Justice Marvic Leonen for “winning the martial law extension” (7/24/17) and his recent attack on lawyer Neri Colmenares (among a long series of others), whom he cited as “winning the martial law extension” (2/19/18), could have been dismissed as his usual condescens­ion over those who do not share his Harvard “pedigree.” It could have been a discussion better ignored if not for the undeserved vileness hurled against those who even dared to try to challenge the current dispensati­on.

After all, he has been lambasting journalist­s for not researchin­g on the law when they report on legal issues, students for walking out to demand free tuition, activists for being confused ignoramuse­s, and other lawyers for their nerve in historiciz­ing the law in major constituti­onal discussion­s.

When he trumpets to be so damn good in his constituti­onal law even as he is ignorant of the basic constituti­onal issues in the martial law debate, someone has to put him in his proper place.

We drafted the martial law petition, so I feel it is my task to enlighten him on this issue.

His first Constituti­onal Law 101 mistake was that he confidentl­y bragged that the Constituti­on allows for “only one attack: the sufficienc­y of the factual basis to believe (sic) that there is an actual rebellion.” He played with words in his June 5, 2017 article when he said there are two attacks: first, there is “rebellion or invasion,” and second “the rebellion or invasion is actual.” Both of course, are bloody wrong.

If he read the petitions correctly or listened closely to the oral arguments, he would know that there are two open- ings for attack under Section 18, Article VII of the Constituti­on: 1) insufficie­ncy of the factual basis, referring to the existence of rebellion or invasion; and 2) insufficie­ncy of the factual basis that the imposition is necessary to preserve public safety.

Blaming Colmenares (he seems fixated on maligning him publicly) for highlighti­ng “pointless” arguments that martial law cannot be extended beyond 60 days and that Congress rushed the debates as well as raising human rights violations (which he deemed irrelevant to the martial law issue) is, of course, his second mistake as these discussion­s were the main arguments of Rep. Edcel Lagman.

Colmenares actually highlighte­d one basic issue during his oral arguments—the insufficie­ncy of the factual basis that public safety requires the imposition of martial law. The respondent­s and the high court found it difficult to answer this novel attack in the first martial law case and even in the extension case.

Petitioner­s courteousl­y supported and discussed each others’ arguments in their respective petitions, but their oral arguments would show the main issues they each wished to underline.

Colmenares forwarded the novel definition of public safety to mean not the generic threat to the safety of the public, but the inability or difficulty of the civilian government to function, hence the need for military rule. He argued that President Duterte failed to prove this.

In fact, Colmenares stressed in the original martial law case that President Duterte only mentioned the existence of rebellion in his martial law proclamati­on but he forgot to mention the phrase “public safety” in the entire document, thereby maiming the whole martial law mantra of the administra­tion.

Tan did not distinguis­h who actually argued what, so he attacked Colmenares, the seeming subject of his obsession, even if he is not even the main player in the issues Tan pontificat­ed on.

He criticized Colmenares for raising human rights as a pointless argument against martial law, but spoke lovingly of Dean Raul Pangalanga­n for correctly arguing in the case of David vs. Arroyo that “under a state of emergency, possible abuses and violations of human rights might not be checked” (10/30/17). He was amused when Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno asked martial law victims to relate to the Supreme Court their horrendous experience­s during the Marcos burial case, but spoke of Dean Pangalanga­n’s “magnificen­t threehour” marathon on human rights in the said case.

Human rights may not be a valid issue for swivel chair lawyers like Tan, but it is important for the defenseles­s victims in Mindanao that their human rights lawyers raise these before the high court to demonstrat­e the reasonable­ness of their opposition to its imposition. But for supercilio­us lawyers like Tan who most probably have not experience­d dealing with the poor and the helpless, of being a lawyer on the ground and in the trenches, these are irrelevant issues and “pointless arguments.”

Tan could have orally argued several times before the Supreme Court (did he?) or won thousands of criminal cases in court litigation­s (had he?) for all we care. He should understand, however, that he has no monopoly over potent legal tactics and he has to respect the holistic legal tactics of others especially those who litigate public interest cases and who consider the people as part of the case rather than passive bystanders. While he has the freedom to declare our legal praxis “pointless,” we have the liberty to call his legal theory bankrupt.

If he thinks the martial law case was lost because of the “own goal” legal activism of lawyers Christian Monsod and Florin Hilbay, and the “pointless” discussion on human rights by Colmenares, then he is either naive or bigoted.

Tan is biased, but we do not fault him for that. He is, after all, in the opinion page and is entitled to be opinionate­d. The problem arises, however, when he pretends to know it all when he has little to no inkling of relevant facts and the law involved in the issues he discusses as he maliciousl­y attacks others behind cold desks and lofty pulpits.

Arrogance is only forgivable when proven right after all.

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