Philippine Daily Inquirer



Did you know that there are common practices in the kitchen that could be endangerin­g your family’s health?

“Because the National Meat Inspection Services (NMIS) performs such tight inspection­s on local and imported meats from the slaughterh­ouse to the final retail outlets, the incidence of contaminat­ed meat in the Philippine market remains relatively low,” explains Dr. Robert H. Lo, DVM, Proprietor and Chief Executive Officer of RDF

“However, food poisoning still happens, and could happen right in your very home. Common food poisoning obtained from meat products is bacterial (Salmonella, E.coli) poisoning, and occurs when meat is contaminat­ed by microorgan­isms wherein their toxins are not destroyed during processing or cooking.”

Infection mostly occurs at home, or wherever cooking is done. However, it is important to note that most bacteria can be easily killed via proper cooking. But if the meat is not properly handled, there’s a chance cross-contaminat­ion can occur, which is when harmful bacteria or allergens spread to food from other food, surfaces, hands or equipment.

Here are some common practices that are dangerous to your family’s health because they encourage either crossconta­mination or spoilage of meat and meat products.

1. Defrosting in running water. This exposes meat to any bacteria in the water and gives microorgan­isms time and good conditions to establish themselves. Instead, defrost meat for as long as overnight in an airtight bag or container in the refrigerat­or. You can also defrost your meat on your microwave’s defrost setting.

2. Believing that freezing kills off harmful bacteria. Freezing does not kill bacteria; it just stops it from multiply- ing. If you defrost previously frozen meat, it becomes vulnerable to pathogens.

3. Washing meat in water before cooking. Again, you are exposing meat to the bacteria in water.

4. Not cooking food all the way through. Serving undercooke­d meat, especially chicken, is particular­ly dangerous. If you didn’t destroy all the bacteria in the meat, you have now given it one of the best environmen­ts for it to grow, as the food sits out on the counter, cooling. To prevent this, always cook meat all the way through—at least 75 degrees Centigrade at the center of its thickest part.

5. Using the same utensils on cooked and raw meat. We usually use the same dishes, forks or tongs when handling cooked and raw meat. Use different utensils and make sure that what touches raw meat never touches any cooked food that’s meant to be served.

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