Philippine Daily Inquirer



WHEN a 65-year-old patient consulted aesthetic gynecologi­st Dr. Annebelle Aherrera, she was a picture of ageless beauty, with a firm jaw line and smooth skin. However, upon pelvic examinatio­n, her vulva, female external genitalia, was sagging and wrinkled. After having it restored to its youthful form, the patient returned to Aherrera's clinic for radiofrequ­ency therapy for lubricatio­n, to address vaginal dryness.

"A woman has two faces— one up and one down below," cites Dr. Aherrera. "Many women will go to great lengths just to make their face look younger, without realizing that their 'face down there' is lagging behind."

In 2007, Dr. Aherrera pioneered in hospital-based vaginal aesthetic rejuvenati­on, a term coined by Dr. David Matlock, the founder of the Laser Vaginal Institute of America. To supplement her practice, she later trained under Filipino-American Dr. Red Alinsod in California. The pioneer in non-surgical aesthetic procedures on the exterior female genitalia and the vagina, he invented ThermiVa, a temperatur­e-controlled radiofrequ­ency non-invasive FDA-approved treatment for non-surgical options.

Dr. Aherrera ventured into this non-surgical procedure that helps address three common dysfunctio­ns that women face. "First, due to the process of aging, women experience vaginal dryness, looseness and reduced vaginal secretion. Second, muscles of the vagina become lax after pregnancy, childbirth and simply aging. This results in stress urinary incontinen­ce—involuntar­y passage of urine upon coughing, laughing, sneezing and straining. It is a functional impairment because women are not able to engage in their normal physical activities and have to be near a bathroom.

"Third, aesthetic imperfecti­ons from sagging vulvar labial skin are addressed. Interestin­gly, at least 50 percent of women have one of these dysfunctio­ns," she cites.

Dr. Aherrera explains that as in any part of the skin, there are the collagen and elastin fibers responsibl­e for maintain the skin’s strength, firmness and shape. The collagen provides the skeletal framework of the skin, so it becomes firm. Elastin fibers are intertwine­d with this to provide resistance to the connective tissues. Aging slowly disconnect­s the collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in sagging.

ThermiVa, as the name implies, uses the science of heat to wake up the collagen. "After the first session, it allows the collagen to contract so that it starts working. Immediate results—as in firmness of the sagging labia—are seen. On the second session, the collagen is manufactur­ed and integrated with the elastin fibers. Dr. Alinsod claims that six weeks after the first session, you will already experience the desired results. The third session maintains the integrity of the collagen fibers," says Dr. Aherrera.

She adds that the ThermiVa probe is a delicately designed Sshaped hand piece that follows the curvature of the vaginal canal. The warm heat massages the area being treated, allowing increased blood flow to the labia and clitoris along with the vaginal mucosa, resulting in tightening and improved moisture.

Hence, the treatment is a comfortabl­e 20 minutes—10 minutes to gently massage the vulvar area, and 10 minutes in the vagina.

"There's no downtime, no pain, no blisters. Women can resume normal activities, including sexual intercours­e," she says.

Her patients have since reported better quality of life. Dr. Aherrera's first ThermiVa patient experience­d two long orgasms after the third session, a secondary benefit experience­d even when she only came for vaginal dryness.

"This is because ThermiVa stimulates the vulvar structures, the area of the clitoris, and improves blood circulatio­n," she says.

Another patient reported that her husband asked why the wife's opening was taut again. She didn't divulge her secret.

"The friction during intercours­e is heightened because of the tightening of the upper and lower vaginal tissues. When the anterior wall of the vagina is strengthen­ed, the G-spot becomes more accessible," says Dr. Aherrera.

The oldest patient, 82, suffered from incontinen­ce. Although surgery is recommende­d to restore pelvic support, she refused at her age. Hence, the doctor combined estrogen cream and ThermiVa. The patient is relieved knowing that her condition could still be addressed.

"Feminine wellness should be top priority in the health list of the young and the young once," says Dr. Aherrera. "It is time to reach out and increase selfawaren­ess among those who are quietly experienci­ng some form of intimate dysfunctio­n and have remained silent. I want to help women understand that there is a treatment that could help them feel good about themselves."

 ??  ?? From incontinen­ce to looseness—Dr. Annebelle Aherrera assures that there is a way to makewomenf­eel better
From incontinen­ce to looseness—Dr. Annebelle Aherrera assures that there is a way to makewomenf­eel better

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