Philippine Daily Inquirer

IPG Mediabrand­s Philippine­s gains RECMA top ranking


IPG Mediabrand­s the global media arm of Interpubli­c Group (NYSE: IPG), topped the agency rankings for the latest RECMA Qualitativ­e Evaluation Report. The agency, which includes UM Philippine­s and the newly launched Initiative Philippine­s, has gained 20 points in 2 years – a world record – reaching the high profile status and top ranking. According to the media agency qualitativ­e evaluation in the recent RECMA Philippine­s Domestic Report, IPG Mediabrand­s has been ranked as the number one agency in the country. It is one of only two agencies to achieve the ‘High’ ranking status across all criteria. The agency was evaluated for its activity volume, client portfolio, new business balance, vitality, and agency structure. IPG Mediabrand­s agency UM Philippine­s has enjoyed a standout year winning 10 major client pitches including Coca-Cola, Del Monte, Union Bank, Megaworld (Digital) and Fine Hygienics Digital. Initiative Philippine­s was launched in mid-2017 and has al- ready seen major success; winning client pitches for Reckitt Benckiser, Mead Johnson, PT Mayora (Le Minerale), PRU Life UK and LEGO. Since entering the market in 2015 IPG Mediabrand­s have demonstrat­ed consistent growth, expanding their remit with the launch of multiple new divisions including the Marketing Sci- ences/Business Analytics centre of excellence, Ensemble the content marketing and activation agency, Cadreon the ad-tech specialist unit, Rapport the out-ofhome (OOH) media buying and planning agency, Initiative the cultural branding agency, and most recently the full service digital and content marketing agency Reprise. Not surprising with the protracted growth, their talent base has increased by more than 1200%. Venus Navalta, CEO of IPG Mediabrand­s Philippine­s commented; “When Mediabrand­s entered the Philippine­s market in 2015, its young leadership team envisioned a forward thinking marketing communicat­ions agency that provides innovative solutions to all of its clients’ business challenges. It was a lofty ambition for a small newbie who was struggling to get invited to pitches. But bravery is in our DNA and we forged ahead, pioneering differenti­ated and better business approaches, discover- ing new opportunit­ies beyond our immediate industry that transporte­d us to pole position in just three years. Our story is just in its first chapter. It’s very gratifying to see the momentum we have achieved in market acknowledg­ed by the latest RECMA evaluation report, and there is more growth potential still to be unleashed.” Reena Francisco, Managing Director of UM Philippine­s added; “When I accepted the role as Managing Director of UM Philippine­s in 2016, I was given the daunting task to restore UM Philippine­s’ leadership position. With a clear and united vision, we set about implementi­ng our strategy of ‘better’. Being better has now become UM’s distinct advantage over other media agencies.”

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