Philippine Daily Inquirer

Aiza Diuco on How to Achieve Glowing Skin


Summer is the season for sand, sea, and surf. A lot of us head to the beach for that muchneeded R‘nR or to simply cool down. However, not everyone is comfortabl­e showing more skin than necessary. I sat down with Aiza Diuco, founder and CEO of Age Defying Solutions Philippine­s, to ask her what her thoughts are about summer, and how to achieve a healthy, glowing skin. Thoughts on summer Clinically, I’m hypersensi­tive to the sun. As a child, I looked forward to summer breaks not so much because I loved going to the beach, but because school was over. I was diagnosed with solar urticaria. From the time I was a child up to now, whenever I am exposed to the sun, I always get rashes, sometimes even hives. They appear in areas that are not covered by clothes.

My eyes also get very watery when exposed to too much sunlight, and when I am under the sun for fifteen minutes, I get a headache. So growing up, I would ask myself, “Am I a real life vampire?”

Don’t get me wrong, I still love the sights, sounds, and smells of summer. I just have to make sure I take the necessary precaution­s to protect my skin.

On the dangers of prolonged sun exposure

One thing I realized when I was growing up, is that you really need to protect yourself from the sun. They say you need sunlight for Vitamin D, but prolonged exposure causes more harm than good, especially from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

UVA rays, or what I call UV Aging, are the rays that cause premature wrinkles and sunspots. They are also present in fluorescen­t lamps and spotlights. That’s why people who are constantly exposed to these rays age faster. UVB rays, or what I call UV Burning, activate the melanocyte­s, which are naturally present in our skin. Melanocyte­s produce melanin, which is the brown pigment that protects our skin from UV rays.

Light-skinned people produce less melanin, and therefore tend to become more sensitive to the sun, so I can never stress this enough: please protect yourself from the sun so you can have a healthy, glowing skin.

I always tell people who use our whitening products, to really avoid sun exposure. Even if you spend a lot of money on such products, whether they be Glupa or other brands, but keep exposing yourself to the sun, they won’t work.

On the products she uses to protect her skin from the sun

All our products have Sun Protection Factor 15, which means they don’t block out the sun. You would need a higher SPF than that – a minimum of SPF50. Our products are basically sunscreens, which help protect people undergoing whitening, against minimum sun exposure. Let’s say you walk under the sun for fifteen minutes, then our products are sufficient. But longer than that, and you will need a higher SPF.

I also avoid sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. I try to do activities that do not require me to be under the sun during those hours. When you are under the sun, you sweat, which then opens your pores. When the pores are open, they are more susceptibl­e to dirt, and more prone to breakouts. Your face becomes oilier because the sebaceous glands tend to produce more sebum.

To protect my skin, I use Glupa Lotion for my arms and Glupa Cream for my face. Because I get very minimum sun exposure, SPF15 is enough to protect my skin from harmful UV rays. On what makes skin glow It has to start from within. Hydration would be number one for me. I drink a lot of water every day. Sometimes, people ask me if I am fish and I say, “Maybe in my past life.” When you’re hydrated, you undergo detoxifica­tion. All toxins are flushed out. When you eat lots of fruits, especially the ones rich in Vitamins C and A, it will definitely show on your skin. I make sure I eat fruits twice daily. Sometimes I only eat fruits for dinner. I love watermelon, grapes, apples, pears, mandarins, and mangoes.

On products she uses to achieve glowing skin

I take Glupa Capsule, which is an antioxidan­t, immune system booster, detoxifier, and skin whitener. As you know, glutathion­e is naturally present in our body, with the liver as its reservoir. As we age, the glutathion­e level in our body decreases, and aside from the normal aging process, environmen­tal and non-environmen­tal factors like pollution, stress, and medication contribute to the depletion of glutathion­e. This is why it is important to take supplement­al glutathion­e.

One unique thing about Glupa Capsule is that it is the only glutathion­e supplement with papaya. Papaya is a very important absorption aid. Papain, which is a digestive enzyme found in papaya, breaks down the large glutathion­e molecules into smaller molecules so it can penetrate the gastrointe­stinal tract, which means the body absorbs more of it.

Papaya is rich in benzyl isothiocya­nate, which naturally raises the glutathion­e level in the body. So, imagine when you combine it with glutathion­e. The combinatio­n makes our product so much more effective than others. It truly is the best glutathion­e supplement available in the market.

I also advise people to cleanse with a cleanser that doesn’t dry your skin nor leave residue. Glupa Soap is a cold process soap so the glycerin in the soap is retained, therefore it doesn’t dry the skin. It is also easy to rinse so it doesn’t leave any residue on the skin. Because it undergoes cold process, all the ingredient­s remain intact.

After cleansing, it is important to use a toner for additional cleansing and to close the pores. When we wash our face, or when we rub or massage it, the pores open up so we can remove dirt. The toner also acts as a pore minimizer, which makes your skin look and feel smoother. I personally use Glupa Toner, which is very effective in skin whitening, deep cleansing, and pore minimizing.

After that, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. That’s what my mother used to tell me. I use Glupa Cream for my face and neck. It is not just a skin whitener, it is also a moisturize­r. It is rich in Vitamin E, which is a great skin moisturize­r, grapeseed extract, and Clair Blanche, a multifunct­ional whitening agent composed of fruit and root extracts.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that sleep is very crucial to achieve glowing skin. No matter how much fluids, vitamins, supplement­ation you put in your body, if you don’t get enough sleep, your skin will not glow. Cell regenerati­on happens when we are asleep. When you have healthy cells, it shows.

Also, a healthy psychologi­cal and emotional wellbeing helps a lot. If you know how to manage stress and handle emotional turmoil, and you have a positive outlook in life, it will definitely manifest on your skin.

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