Philippine Daily Inquirer



WE join those who mourn and denounce the death of Genesis “Tisoy” Argoncillo, 25, and call on authoritie­s to hold accountabl­e those who allowed his death to happen.

Tisoy’s death in custody is neither the first; nor will it be the last. From February to April 2018, three suspected drug users died at the Pasay police station, apparently due to illness aggravated by exhaustion. Between May and June 2018, five persons detained at police jails in Quezon City and in Manila also died, either due to heat stroke or illnesses made worse by overcrowdi­ng and lack of health and sanitation facilities.

How can such incidents happen in a place where police officers are supposed to look after the safety and security of persons under their custody? How can they claim to be protectors of the people when the people feel fear rather than security when under the grip of their power? How can we rejoice at their proclaimed triumph over criminalit­y when ordinary citizens, whose only fault is to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, are shoved into jail because someone very powerful ordered a crackdown on loiterers and alleged criminals?

In commemorat­ion of the Internatio­nal Day in Support of Victims of Torture last week marking the adoption of the UN Convention Against Torture on June 26, 1987, we ask for an end to violence, torture, and impunity. REBECCA LOZADA, advocacy officer, Balay Rehabilita­tion Center Inc.,

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