Philippine Daily Inquirer

Most formidable challenge to federalism

- ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN Comments to chiefjusti­cepanganib­

The most formidable challenge to federalism is the utter lack of time for Congress to approve properly the proposed federal constituti­on, and to have it ratified befittingl­y in a plebiscite to coincide with the midterm election onMay 13, 2019.

The challenge is so formidable that Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez proposed the unthinkabl­e: the cancellati­on of the midterm election so the lawmakers can focus on Charter change instead of campaignin­g for their reelection and “political survival.”

Unless the election is canceled, Alvarez warned that it is difficult, if not impossible, to have a legislativ­e quorum, much less to muster the required three-fourths vote to pass the proposal. Of course, the lawmakers would have the bonanza of extending their terms indefinite­ly without undergoing an election.

After initially remonstrat­ing, Senate President Tito Sotto supported the cancellati­on. However, sensing the public mood, presidenti­al spokespers­on Harry Roque ended the debate, saying the President wants the midterm polls held as scheduled.

Back to the legislativ­e mill, even if the lawmakers could be shepherded to a quorum, the time challenge would still be forbidding. The 1987 Constituti­on requires revisions to be “ratified … in a plebiscite [to] be held not earlier than 60 days nor later than 90 days” after their approval. Hence, the new constituti­on should be approved by Congress no later than March 13, 2019, the 60th day prior to May 13, 2019. Given its All Saints Day recess of two weeks and its Christmas break of one month, the legislatur­e would thus have only about six months to perform this vital constituen­t function.

While the lengthy draft (longer than the present Charter) prepared by the consultati­ve committee (ConCom) had been transmitte­d by the President to the legislatur­e, Speaker Alvarez made it clear that the House (and probably the Senate, too) will carefully scrutinize it. After all, it is Congress, not the ConCom, which had been constituti­onally tasked to undertake the revision.

The 1986 Constituti­onal Commission, working full-time daily, took about a year, including ratificati­on, to complete the 1987 Constituti­on. The ConCom itself, also working full-time daily, took about six months, from January to July this year, to finish its draft. In contrast, Congress cannot work full-time daily. It needs to pass many vital measures like the budget, which normally takes four months. Moreover, the ConCom’s draft differs substantia­lly from that approved by the House committee on constituti­onal amendments. The ConCom patterned its output after the American system with a bicameral Congress that is independen­t from and is the coequal of the president. On the other hand, the House committee favored the presidenti­al-parliament­ary model that is more akin to the French system that has no vice president, but has a parliament that elects a prime minister who works in tandemwith a nationally elected president.

The House version hews quite closely to the ruling PDP-Laban Party’s concept which has a president as “head of state … directly elected by the people … responsibl­e for national defense and foreign affairs” and a prime minister, as “the head of government… elected by the House of Representa­tives/National Assembly … and responsibl­e for domestic and economic policy.” Quite apart from these difference­s, the ConCom draft contains controvers­ial provisions, among them:

1) A confusing federal judicial system with four different high courts that are “supreme” in their own spheres: the “Federal Supreme Court, Federal Constituti­onal Court, Federal Administra­tive Court and Federal Electoral Court,” each one having a chief justice and several associate justices. This structure is more characteri­stic of the Russian system than the American one.

2) Another set of courts on the regional level, the “Regional Supreme Court and Regional Court of Appeals.”

3) While the power to impeach is lodged in the “Joint Impeachmen­t Committee of Congress,” the power to try and remove officials is granted to the Federal Constituti­onal Court and the Federal Administra­tive Court.

In sum, six months would be utterly insufficie­nt to resolve all these problems, given a Congress saddled with other vital work and with members campaignin­g for their political survival.

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