Philippine Daily Inquirer

Travels in solitude

- JOEY KIELE M. LUMAIN Joey Kiele M. Lumain describes herself as “a 26-year-old mademoisel­le who finds both opportunit­y and frustratio­n in this crazy world.”

Being alone can fuel life. It gives us the opportunit­y to free our minds from the constraint­s imposed by daily living, whether it’s an emotionall­y draining work or a frustratin­g relationsh­ip. Solitude boosts our mental strength, sparks creativity and helps us get to know ourselves more.

Such benefits magnify when we pursue a trip to a different city or some faraway place. It permits us to submerge ourselves in an experience distinctly different from when traveling with a group. In solo travel, there’s an independen­ce that enables us to satisfy our own needs without being judged, free from any obligation­s and expectatio­ns.

But independen­ce has a price. It will require the solo traveler to have the courage to ask strangers for directions, or simply a favor for them to take his or her photo. One may need to endure some harsh racist comments from rude locals or other foreigners. Then there is a demand to be vigilant at all costs, for danger lurks for the naïve lone traveler.

Getting lost is a nightmare, too. It’s like you’re the lone star in a movie in which nobody knows the fear and anxiety crippling you from within. Will you get kidnapped, raped or murdered? These questions will throw you further into the abyss of uncertaint­y, as tears erupt from your eyes.

However, hope will anchor your soul. Kind people around the corner may be willing to assist without asking for anything in return. Such an act of benevolenc­e will convince you to believe in humanity once again.

Being alone abroad will activate your appreciati­on for unique surroundin­gs—for even the tiny details you’ve neglected back home. For instance, you may be aghast to discover that the tissues and ketchup usually given for free by McDonald’s in Manila are charged to the hungry buyer in Paris.

Moreover, you will never be lonely. Sometimes, a question for directions with one of the friendly locals will lead to enlighteni­ng conversati­ons. Through their stories, you gain new perspectiv­es, and stereotype­s are crushed.

There is truth in that quote: “Great things never came from comfort zones.”

Should you accept the mission to embark on a voyage alone, have courage and patience. Cherish each good and bad moment, for these experience­s will forever linger in your mind. One day, when you return after the adventure, you’ll have wonderful stories to share with the people who matter to you the most. And they, too, will witness how traveling by yourself has transforme­d you into a better human being.

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