Philippine Daily Inquirer

Charter change: learning from Thailand


For me, the current debate surroundin­g Charter change feels like déjà vu. During my first trip to the Philippine­s as a PhD student 14 years ago, a German foundation asked me to discuss with members of the House of Representa­tives my research on constituti­onal reform in Thailand. In the talk, I reflected on lessons the recent Thailand experience could offer the Philippine­s, which was then engaged in its own constituti­onal debate.

The 1997 Thai “People’s Constituti­on” marked a distinct juncture in Thai constituti­onal history, not just in terms of its innovation­s in establishi­ng a liberal system of checks and balances and horizontal accountabi­lity, but also for the process of public consultati­on and civil society involvemen­t—which had been inspired by the 1986 experience of the Philippine­s—that ultimately secured its passage with high public support.

Drawing on previous studies, I concluded by pointing out that, while certainly the “choice of constituti­onal design impacts policy outcomes,” it should not be forgotten that “process matters as much as content”—that there is a need for careful consultati­on throughout the drafting.

Although I may then have been carried away by my enthusiasm for the 1997 Thai Constituti­on, the principles still stand: As we know, the 1997 constituti­on, which had lasted longer than most other Thai constituti­ons, was replaced in 2007 when a military coup produced a new draft; last year, that, too, was altered by the junta.

The Thai experience under these three constituti­ons offers not only unexpected parallels, but also cautionary tales as the Philippine­s renews constituti­onal debate in 2018—so much so that I cannot help but worry.

In contrast to the 1997 constituti­on, the drafting of the 2007 and 2017 Thai constituti­ons lacked transparen­cy, public participat­ion and open debate, not unlike what is currently happening in the Philippine­s. With the drafting shrouded in secrecy and heavily influenced by the military junta, the constituti­onal drafters faced widespread skepticism and growing opposition from the public. And because the drafters handpicked by the junta were perceived as not fully representa­tive of society, the legitimacy of the process was eroded.

Rather than rectifying the situation, the public referendum­s on the drafts exacerbate­d the social and political divisions in society. Although the 2007 constituti­on passed with a majority of 57 percent of national votes cast, and the one in 2017 by 61 percent, voter turnout in both never reached 60 percent. The result was negative in several provinces, despite severe martial law restrictio­ns on critics. Having failed to provide an inclusive new social contract, Thailand is now sunk in a political quagmire—a conclusion quite possible in the Philippine­s given the lukewarm public support for a new constituti­on.

Finally, the post-1997 Thai constituti­onal reforms failed to improve liberal and democratic practice in any way. To the contrary, both constituti­onal revisions induced a gradual illiberal turn in which elections were repeatedly delayed, giving way to transition­al provisions and executive empowermen­t.

A reminder: A constituti­on that seems liberal can be used for authoritar­ian purposes, and the two Thai replacemen­t constituti­ons illustrate the danger that authoritar­ian regimes will use constituti­onal reform for their own ends.

Observers may rise to remind us that the Philippine­s has a very different constituti­onal history from Thailand, and that it learned much from the sham 1973 drafting process under the Marcos dictatorsh­ip. However, the current assault on oversight institutio­ns, the lack of transparen­cy in the drafting process, and provisions that empower the president during an unspecifie­d transition period suggest that the Philippine­s might also consider Thailand’s experience as a warning. It certainly looks that way to me.

———— Dr. Björn Dressel is an associate professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University. His research is concerned with issues of comparativ­e constituti­onalism, judicial politics and governance and public sector reform in Asia. He has published in a range of internatio­nal journals, including Governance; Administra­tion & Society; Internatio­nal Political Science Review, and Pacific Review. He is the editor of The Judicializ­ation of Politics in Asia (Routledge, 2012) and coeditor of Politics and Constituti­ons in Southeast Asia (Routledge, 2016). Follow on twitter @BjoernDres­sel.

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