Philippine Daily Inquirer


- —AFP

HONG Kong—police fired tear gas at protesters inside a mall in Sha Tin district on Sunday after they vandalized a nearby subway station and defaced the Chinese flag.

The protesters had planned to disrupt operations at the airport but the authoritie­s reduced rail and bus links and stepped up security checks to scupper any protest attempt.

The airport—the world’s eighth busiest—has become a frequent target for demonstrat­ors pushing for greater democratic rights and police accountabi­lity.

Instead, thousands gathered inside a mall in the northern town of Sha Tin to sing protest songs and make origami cranes, the latest rally in what had now been 16 consecutiv­e weekends of protests.

Business shutdown

Many shops inside the mall shuttered but the unsanction­ed rally remained civil for much of the afternoon until tension rose in the afternoon.

At one point, masked activists paraded a Chinese flag through the mall that had been torn down from a nearby government building. It was later thrown into a nearby river.


Groups of masked activists then vandalized ticket machines in Sha Tin’s subway station before riot police rushed in to close the station down, and a standoff ensued.

Before police arrived, local television networks showed footage of a man with bruises and cuts to his face being harangued by protesters inside the station.

Increasing­ly brutal fights between opposing sides have broken out in recent weeks—a vivid illustrati­on of the ideologica­l fissures now running through the internatio­nal finance hub.

Bigger in October

On Saturday, police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse activists in two towns near the border with China.

This weekend’s protest crowds have been noticeably smaller than earlier rallies but more protests are planned next weekend and on Oct. 1, the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of communist China.

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