Philippine Daily Inquirer



MELBOURNE—AUSTRALIA’S top attorneys agreed on Friday to standardiz­e laws across the country forcing priests to report child abuse revealed to them during confession­s in a move that could widen a schism between the church and the government.

Federal and state attorneysg­eneral agreed on key principles for the laws, which fall under the responsibi­lity of state and territory government­s and which address the most contentiou­s recommenda­tions from a government inquiry into child abuse.

With half of the country’s population identifyin­g themselves as Christian, Australia has faced a crisis of faith amid worldwide allegation­s that churches and religious leaders had protected pedophile priests and habitually covered sexual abuse.

“Confession­al privilege cannot be relied upon to avoid a child protection or criminal obligation to report beliefs, suspicions or knowledge of child abuse,” said a communique published after the attorneys meeting.

In addition, priests would not be able to use a “confession­al privilege” defense to avoid giving evidence against a third party in criminal or civil proceeding­s.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge, president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the country’s top Catholic body, said the Catholic Church supports “nationally consistent” reporting regimes to protect children.

However, he said, the church does not consider the removal of the legal protection for the “sacramenta­l seal of confession” helpful or necessary.

“The removal of protection­s at law would be ineffectiv­e, counterpro­ductive and unjust: ineffectiv­e because abusers do not seek out confession and certainly would not seek it out if they knew that their offenses would be reported,” Coleridge was cited as saying in a statement emailed to Reuters.

“Counterpro­ductive because the rare opportunit­y a priest may have to counsel abusers to turn themselves in and amend their life would be lost; and unjust because it would establish as a matter of law a situation where a priest would not be able to defend himself against an accusation made against him.”

In 2017, Australia ended a five-year powerful government inquiry into institutio­nal child sex abuse, which came up with 122 recommenda­tions, including that Australia introduce a law forcing religions leaders to report child abuse.

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