Philippine Daily Inquirer


Charges filed against sacked lawman in death of George Floyd fail to appease demonstrat­ors across several states



protests erupted across the United States late on Friday over the death of an unarmed black man at the hands of police, with murder charges laid against a Minneapoli­s officer failing to quell seething anger.

Demonstrat­ors clashed with police for a fourth straight night in the midwestern city of Minneapoli­s, where fires raged and there was widespread looting as well as sustained cat-and-mouse clashes between protesters and police.

US President Donald Trump ordered soldiers to prepare to deploy to the city, Minnesota National Guard Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen confirmed early on Saturday.

The state has become the epicenter of violence since George Floyd died there in an arrest by an officer who pinned him to the ground for several minutes by kneeling on his neck.

Derek Chauvin was charged Friday with one count of on third-degree murder—unintentio­nally causing a death—and one count of negligent manslaught­er.

“This case is now ready, and we have charged it,” said county prosecutor Mike Freeman as outrage grew over the latest death of an African American in police custody.

Night of unrest

But the charges failed to calm a shaken nation whose deep wounds over racial inequality have been torn open anew, with riots raging from New York to Los Angeles in one of the worst nights of civil unrest in years.

In Atlanta, police cruisers were attacked and set ablaze as rallies spun out of control, while in the capital Washington, protesters collided with Secret Service agents in heated midnight scenes in front of the White House.

Protests took hold in a swathe of cities including Boston,

Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Houston, Las Vegas, Memphis and Portland.

Authoritie­s imposed a curfew on Friday in Minneapoli­s after three nights of protests left parts of the city in flames.

But the demonstrat­ors, many wearing masks to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s, defiantly remained on the streets, facing off with police who fired tear gas and flash-bangs in efforts to regain control.

Looting was widespread, with images showing people coming out of shops carrying armfuls of goods.

Officers were shot at by protesters, Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Walz told reporters early on Saturday.

“This is not about George’s death. This is not about inequities that were real. This is about chaos,” he said.

‘Feel me’

But that view was not shared on the streets. “I need you to look in my eyes and feel me,” said protester Naeema Jakes. “This is pain, this is hurt.”

Floyd’s relatives—who spoke on Friday with President Trump—welcomed news of the officer’s arrest as a “step on the road to justice.”

But they said they hoped for tougher charges and action against the other officers involved in Floyd’s detention and death.

“We want a first-degree murder charge. And we want to see the other officers arrested.

“The pain that the black community feels over this murder and what it reflects about the treatment of black people in America is raw and is spilling out onto streets across America,” they said in a statement.

Freeman said the three other officers present when Floyd died were also under investigat­ion, and that he anticipate­d charges would be laid against them.

All four were fired from the police department on Tuesday after video surfaced of the arrest.

Protesters gathered outside officer Chauvin’s vandalized Minneapoli­s home on Friday, raising placards to passing cars and chanting Floyd’s name.

“It’s taken this long for people to realize that black lives matter,” said Tara Balian.

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 ?? —AP/AFP ?? TWO FACES Tiona Bowman (left) protests outside the Dallas police headquarte­rs on Friday. At right, a looter exits a store in Oakland, California, as demonstrat­ions rage.
—AP/AFP TWO FACES Tiona Bowman (left) protests outside the Dallas police headquarte­rs on Friday. At right, a looter exits a store in Oakland, California, as demonstrat­ions rage.

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