Philippine Daily Inquirer

After Duterte: Time for ‘Left’ populism?


Nothing has better exposed the paucity and utter impotence of rightwing “macho” populism than the ongoing pandemic. This should come as no surprise, given the bumptious dismissive­ness of this type of leadership toward expertise and even basic science, precisely when top experts and scientists are most needed.

Instead of building robust institutio­ns, right-wing populists tend to rely on their supposed magical instincts and concentrat­e power in their own supposedly capable hands. Predictabl­y, when complex challenges that demand thoughtful policymaki­ng and institutio­nal strength emerge, the upshot is disaster.

All of a sudden, a growing number of voters across the world are developing nostalgia for the sane, more stable days under the relatively staid presidents of the past. Call it “democratic nostalgia” or “liberal nostalgia,” in which the right-wing populist project gets exposed like the proverbial naked emperor.

The most powerful manifestat­ion of this “liberal nostalgia” is the radically “safe” Democratic presidenti­al ticket of former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris. The unexciting yet seemingly reassuring pair clearly harkens back to the Obama days, when there was a measure of dignity and sturdiness in everyday governance. In the Philippine­s, Vice President Leni Robredo’s growing appeal is also partly due to a strengthen­ing public clamor for steady and thoughtful leadership in our darkest hours.

With right-wing populists’ term in office likely coming to an end in a number of key countries, the question is: Which movements and figures could help stanch the wound of brazen misgoverna­nce and steer their besieged nations toward a measure of recovery and respite?

Major democracie­s such as the United States seem to be swinging back in the direction of left-liberal centrism. This is an understand­able reversion to the mean.

In Brazil, the country seems to be heading for another Bolsonaro-workers’ Party (PT) showdown, as alternativ­e opposition forces led by the likes of leftist governor of the state of Maranhão Flávio Dino struggle to forge a united opposition.

But the path to the future can’t be forged through an instinctiv­e relapse to a discredite­d past. If there is one thing the crisis has shown, it’s the importance of dynamic, inclusive, and competent leadership. After all, among success stories are the likes of Taiwan, New Zealand, and South Korea, where progressiv­e leaders have overseen a remarkable balance between public health protection and ensuring that their economy didn’t grind to a halt.

What we are facing today is nothing less than a generation­al crisis, as the China-originated pandemic devastates the world economy and ravages communitie­s unlike anything in recent history.

As a millennial who confronted the global recession fresh out of college and is now witnessing my peers raising young families under the shadow of a worldwide upheaval, I’m truly worried for the future.

The existentia­l threat posed by climate change has only heightened this visceral anxiety among people of my generation, if not others. While plutocrats are benefiting from “disaster capitalism,” the middle class is rapidly hollowing, and tens of millions are being pushed into extreme poverty.

When confronted with a disaster of this magnitude, we need to explore the possibilit­y of more radical responses if we are going to not only survive, but also thrive in the post-pandemic future.

And this is where we need to seriously contemplat­e the necessity for what political scientists call “left populism.” As we have seen in recent years, “right-wing” populism emphasizes “law and order” over human rights and civil liberties, identitari­an-nativist purity over pluralism, and deference to an authoritar­ian populist figure over procedural democracy.

In contrast, “left” populism emphasizes redistribu­tive policies, social justice, and working- and middle-class mobilizati­on against systemic inequality and neoliberal governance. To be clear, not all “leftists” and “socialists” are the same.

We are not talking about Venezuelan Chavismo, but instead democratic progressiv­e groups such as Podemos (Spain) and figures such as Alexandria Ocasio-cortez, who have demonstrat­ed their fidelity to basic principles of constituti­onal democracy despite their radical rhetoric.

As Harvard academics Noam Gidron and Bart Bonikowski have pointed out, populism comes in many varieties; thus, it doesn’t necessaril­y have to end in full-fledged authoritar­ian populism. Perhaps, extraordin­ary times should also call for extraordin­ary forms of leadership.

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