Philippine Daily Inquirer

Tighten dirty money rules


The Philippine­s is back in the so-called “grey list” of countries under increased internatio­nal monitoring, because of insufficie­nt policies and laws on—and action against—money laundering and terrorist financing. It joins countries such as Pakistan, Haiti, Malta, and South Sudan in the disreputab­le list. This is a sad developmen­t, considerin­g that the country had so much time to comply with the requiremen­ts of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergover­nmental body started in 1989 by the Group of Seven industrial­ized countries. The body sets the standards and monitors the implementa­tion of measures needed to fight dirty money across the globe and other threats to the internatio­nal financial system.

The Philippine­s was first blackliste­d by the FATF as a “non-cooperatin­g country” more than 20 years ago. It was delisted in 2005 following the creation of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) through Republic Act 9160 (the Anti-Money Laundering Act). It was on the brink of being blackliste­d again in 2012, but was saved by the passage in Congress of RA 10168 (the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppressio­n Act). Earlier this year, the Philippine­s was again warned that it was in danger of being included in the “grey list,” but Congress passed RA 11521 to strengthen the country’s antimoney laundering law on Jan. 29, just two days ahead of the FATF deadline.

Inclusion in the “grey list” is a warning for a country to comply with recommende­d reforms within a given time frame, or be blackliste­d and face financial sanctions from the FATF’s 39 member countries. The sanctions include restrictio­ns on trade payments and financing, as well as on currency remittance­s even of Filipinos working abroad, which would have potential considerab­le impact on the Philippine economy given its reliance on OFW remittance­s.

The AMLC said the country must address 18 action points to be removed from the list. The Philippine­s would have to submit progress reports to the FATF thrice a year, the first to be given this September. The 18 action items refer to various immediate desired outcomes or key goals in effective antimoney laundering and counter-terror financing that a country should be able to achieve to show that it is effectivel­y implementi­ng pertinent laws and regulation­s. The AMLC stressed that the relevant government and law enforcemen­t agencies’ sustained pledge to implement the 18 action plans within the prescribed timelines would be essential to the country’s removal from the list. It thus becomes imperative for all government agencies involved to deliver on the action plans pertaining to them, and for the government to crack the whip on these agencies to ensure the fulfillmen­t of their deliverabl­es. “The Philippine­s will be delisted from the ‘grey list’ upon successful completion of all action plans—hopefully on or before January 2023,” said Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas governor Benjamin Diokno.

One of the concerns earlier raised by the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund related to the conflictin­g functions of the state-owned Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. as both operator and regulator of casinos. Another unaddresse­d issue is the need to amend the antiquated Bank Secrecy Act. According to Sen. Panfilo Lacson, the Philippine­s’ inclusion this year in the FATF “grey list” may again be a call to amend the law to finally address a major source of corruption. From his first term as senator in 2001, according to Lacson, he had repeatedly filed a bill seeking to remove bank privacy protection for government officials and employees. In the 18th Congress, Lacson filed Senate Bill No. 26, which sought to strip public servants of the protection afforded by RA 1405 prohibitin­g the disclosure or inquiry into bank deposits as a general rule. The bill is still languishin­g in the committee level.

Since the second Aquino administra­tion, the FATF had warned about certain “strategic deficienci­es” in the Philippine­s’ antimoney laundering and antifinanc­ial terrorism measures. In particular, it advised the Philippine government to enact pending legislativ­e amendments to the antimoney laundering law that, among others, would extend the coverage of reporting entities, provide a broader definition of money laundering, and increase the number of predicate crimes to include bribery, malversati­on of public funds, human traffickin­g, tax evasion, and environmen­tal crimes.

Herein lies the problem. The called-for amendments would mean the greater scrutiny of public officials and their finances, as well as those who hold the country’s intertwine­d economic and political levers. Are Philippine legislator­s and other national leaders up to the task of approving stricter laws that will demand greater transparen­cy from them? Will they manage to overcome narrow self-interests and tighten the rules in time to save the country from the internatio­nal ignominy of the FATF “black list”?

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