Philippine Daily Inquirer



LOS ANGELES—In Disney’s new “Jungle Cruise” movie, Emily Blunt plays a determined explorer on a mission to find an ancient tree that offers great potential to cure many of humanity’s ills.

Blunt costars with Dwayne Johnson in the big-screen adventure based on a theme-park ride known for groan-inducing jokes.

The actress described her action-hero character, scientist Lily Houghton, as an “adventurou­s, spirited girl” who will not conform to society’s expectatio­ns of women in 1917.

For one, Houghton dares to wear pants, a defiant choice at the time. Plus, she “ventures into the Amazon jungle in a pretty reckless way,” Blunt said.


“She is a really important character for girls and boys to see because she was a trailblaze­r,” the actress said in an interview. “Trailblaze­rs are always a bit eccentric, and they do crazy things.”

Blunt liked that Houghton veers from many traditiona­l onscreen roles for women.

“I always tell writers just write me as a guy and leave the girl stuff to me,” Blunt said in an interview. “Just write me as multilayer­ed and full of faults, and full of the downfalls of what it is to be a human being.”

To play Houghton, Blunt said she was inspired by Indiana Jones, the iconic adventurer portrayed by Harrison Ford. “He’s not a slick action star,” she said. “He falls on his face. He’s scared of stuff.”

Disney is releasing “Jungle Cruise” simultaneo­usly in theaters and for purchase on the Disney+ streaming service, a hybrid release plan the company has used during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Possible sequel

If “Jungle Cruise” is successful, it could spawn a franchise like the blockbuste­r “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, which were also inspired by a Disney ride.

Johnson plays Frank Wolff, the riverboat skipper Lily hires to take her and her brother (Jack Whitehall) on the perilous trek down the Amazon River. Frank is the “cheapest, most untrustwor­thy” option, Johnson said, but “very capable on a boat.”

And like the Disney ride operators, Frank revels in telling corny, pun-laden jokes. “He’s got sharp timing,” Johnson said, calling himself a “new-age pun slinger.” One joke in the movie: “The rocks you see here in the river are sandstone, but some people just take them for granite.”

“That’s the charm of the skippers,” Johnson said, “They tell these very bad puns that are so bad, they’re good.

 ??  ?? Dwayne Johnson (left) and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise
Dwayne Johnson (left) and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise

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