Philippine Daily Inquirer

No to truth decay

- FR. JERRY M. ORBOS, SVD momentswit­

The story is told about a man who saw his friend put his left ear over the piano keyboard, as if listening intently. When asked why he was doing that, his friend’s response was: “I am trying to learn to play the piano by ear.”


In today’s Gospel (Jn.6, 60-69), we hear how many of the disciples found it hard to listen to Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse. In fact, many of them murmured and even stopped listening and even abandoned him when He kept on talking about His own flesh as food, and His own blood as drink. But Jesus did not buckle down. He persisted in telling the truth.

---------------Blessed are they who come out with the truth, even if that means being rejected, abandoned, and persecuted for doing so. They are our modern-day martyrs. They may suffer now, but they will be vindicated by Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

---------------In this world so full of lies and halftruths, Jesus reminds us that it is OK to tell the truth! Not just OK, it is good to tell the truth. Not just good, it is noble to tell the truth, Not just noble, it is our God-given duty and obligation to tell the truth. Mabuhay kayong mga truth tellers. Continue to fight truth decay!


“Do you also want to leave?” Jesus asks us this question today. We can choose to follow Him, or abandon Him. There are plenty who follow Him when following Him is easy, popular, lucrative, and “cheesy.” Let us pray for the grace to follow Him no matter what, and to persevere till the very end.


“Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Yes, let us follow Jesus, who has the words of eternal life, not those who have the words of eternal lies.


Good to ask ourselves today: who/what is my master in this life?; who/what am I following?; who/what am I serving? When we come face to face before God at the end of our lives, may we have no regrets that we followed Him, served Him, and loved Him too little, too late.


“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24,15). Let this be our battle cry, our constant resolve in our journey through life, till the very end. Let us ask ourselves today: The worldly masters I follow and serve, the worldly treasures I work for and hoard, are they worth my life? Are they worth dying for?


“No harm will happen to you, and no misfortune will come to your home. Because He will command His angels over you, to protect you in all ways” (Psalm 11, 10-11). This is God’s promise to those who continue to follow Him and serve Him.


On the lighter side, one of the things I learned during this pandemic is to cut my own hair. All I do is go in front of the mirror and just start cutting and trimming away, and it’s done in a few minutes. Time was when having a haircut was a monthly event, a monthly treat for myself. It still is, but now, more simple, and more enjoyable. Yes, simplicity leads us to simple joys.


Let’s take time today to thank angels whom God sends to us, people who empower, enable, and encourage us as we go through this dark night of COVID-19. Take time today to pray for them, and thank the people who help keep us afloat, and help us to journey on.


Hope with me! Let’s hope that by December, the night of COVID-19 will give way to the dawning of a new day. Hope is a wish that is accompanie­d by a prayer. Ours is not an empty hope. It is founded on God’s love and mercy, and on His promise that He will not abandon us. Nothing is impossible with God. Let’s hope as one!


A moment with the Lord:

Lord, help us to follow you more closely, serve you more truly, and love you more dearly. Amen. ---------------

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