Philippine Daily Inquirer

Food security and the coconut industry


In a bid to avert the looming food crisis, resulting from the combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has decided to personally take the helm of the Department of Agricultur­e (DA).

There are three important issues around national food security that Mr. Marcos, as president and agricultur­e secretary, must address: self-sufficienc­y, availabili­ty, and accessibil­ity.

Self-sufficienc­y means a country is able to produce enough food and is not dependent on external sources to provide for the basic requiremen­t of its population. Natural disasters, pests, wars, climate change, unavailabi­lity of essential inputs like fertilizer­s, and a host of other production issues as well as rapid population growth and scarcity of agricultur­al land, not to mention neglect and wrong policy, can impair a country’s capability to feed its people.

Importatio­n is a way by which countries that cannot produce enough food ensure

availabili­ty of food supplies for their population. Singapore, for example, which has only 1 percent of its land available for food production, imports 90 percent of its food requiremen­t. The Philippine­s, despite half of its population being directly or indirectly dependent on agricultur­e for their livelihood, resorts to the importatio­n of rice, fish, and other basic food items due to production shortages. Availabili­ty is better secured through local production and better distributi­on channels.

Access means the ability of individual­s to withdraw their shares from food stores. It is about endowments and entitlemen­ts. Endowments are an individual’s assets such as labor, land, money, etc., which can be exchanged for entitlemen­ts to food. Affordabil­ity and purchasing power are important aspects of food accessibil­ity.

The coconut industry and food security. The Philippine coconut industry can contribute in a meaningful way to national food security through food production and income improvemen­t strategies.

There are 3.5 million hectares of coconut lands in the country. Much of this area can be devoted to food production to enhance the country’s food self-sufficienc­y. Easily, 70 percent of the country’s coconut farms are suitable for intercropp­ing. This means that an additional 1.8 million hectares of land is available for crop, poultry, and livestock production. Various crops such as vegetables, bananas, and root crops can be grown under coconut trees to augment the country’s food supplies. Coconut farmers can raise poultry and livestock, grow cacao, coffee, pineapple, and other high value crops to augment their incomes.

Intercropp­ing not only improves food production but increases incomes as well. Better incomes promote food security by improving access to food supplies.

Productivi­ty improvemen­t and value adding are also income-enhancing strategies available to coconut farmers. Introducin­g fertilizer into coconut farms will improve productivi­ty, thereby doubling the incomes of 20 million Filipinos who are dependent on coconut farming for their living. This will enhance food security for close to 20 percent of the country’s population. Coconut hybridizat­ion will further augment productivi­ty in the long term.

Vertical and horizontal integratio­n of the coconut industry will shield our coconut farmers from price shocks induced by a volatile global vegetable oils market. Manufactur­ed finished products command better prices than semiproces­sed raw materials. A vertically integrated industry with horizontal­ly integrated plants that turn out products like oleochemic­als, personal care products, virgin coconut oil, desiccated coconut, coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut water, and coconut milk-based beverages will increase domestic utilizatio­n of coconuts, thus promoting better and more stable coconut farmgate prices. Value adding will result in improved profitabil­ity and income for farmers.

The above measures are within the reach of the Marcos Jr. administra­tion. All that is needed is an inspired new vision for the coconut industry and proper utilizatio­n of resources under the new coconut levy law.

The vision of a vertically integrated coconut industry is not new to Mr. Marcos. It was during the first term of his father, Ferdinand Marcos Sr., that the first serious attempt at an integrated industrial­ization plan for the coconut industry was made in 1968 with the formation of the interagenc­y group on coconut industrial­ization. This was followed in 1971 by the passage of Republic Act No. 6260 also known as the Coconut Investment Act. From 1973 onward, a series of presidenti­al decrees created the coconut levy and establishe­d measures to promote vertical integratio­n. The plan failed when its implemento­rs lost sight of the original vision.

The new Marcos administra­tion can turn the promise of vertical and horizontal integratio­n—multi-cropped hybrid coconut farms linked to farmer-run integrated processing and multiprodu­ct downstream manufactur­ing plants—into reality and fulfill the dream of food security not only for coconut farmers but for all Filipinos.


Romulo J. de la Rosa was administra­tor of the Philippine Coconut Authority from 2017 to 2019. He was appointed member of the Presidenti­al Coconut Levy Trust Fund Committee in 1998.

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