Philippine Daily Inquirer

What the DA budget must address

- ERNESTO M. ORDOÑEZ The author is Agriwatch chair, former secretary of presidenti­al flagship programs and projects, and former undersecre­tary of the Department of Agricultur­e and the Department of Trade and Industry. Contact is

There are five imperative­s identified in the private sector’s “Towards an Effective AgriFisher­ies Multi-year Plan” that Congress should adequately fund in the 2023 budget of the Department of Agricultur­e (DA) . If these are not addressed, our agricultur­e transforma­tion will not happen.

This multiyear document was written by the heads of six agricultur­e-related coalitions upon the request of the DA. Three conditions were agreed upon. First, the requested submission would be formalized in a written document. Second, this private sector submission would be given to the President and the DA without any editing from government officials. Third, the President himself would approve of the effort before it starts.

Since these conditions were present, six coalition heads submitted their views for a desired agricultur­e transforma­tion to take place. They would be very different from recent agricultur­e directions.

The six coalitions involved were the Alyansa Agrikultur­a, the Philippine Chamber of Agricultur­e and Food, the Coalition for Agricultur­e Modernizat­ion in the Philippine­s, the Bayanihan sa Agrikultur­a, the United Broiler Raisers Associatio­n of the Philippine­s, and the Movement for Water Security.

They used documents such as the National Agricultur­e and Fisheries Modernizat­ion and Industrial Plan and the DA commodity roadmaps. They solicited inputs from groups as varied as the Federation of Free Farmers, the Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultur­a, the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas and the Private Sector Advisory Council.

There are five items identified in the document that are not sufficient­ly funded by the 2023 budget proposal.

The first item is the need for a market and business informatio­n system, which was first mandated under the Agricultur­e and Fisheries Modernizat­ion Act of 1997. This has never been implemente­d. It now has a recommende­d low budget of P10 million. Neighborin­g countries have left us behind because they have such a well-funded informatio­n system.

The second item is the single commodity production approach. Today, most of our rice, coconut and corn farmers—who use 74 percent of our arable land—are condemned to poverty because of this limited approach.

The budget for a commodity system should consider the value chain from production to marketing. Furthermor­e, other opportunit­ies should be provided such as intercropp­ing, processing and other income-generating activities, as what other government­s provide their farmers and fisherfolk.

The third item is consolidat­ion. We need economies of scale to compete globally. Thailand’s success is due largely to its Ministry of Agricultur­e and Cooperativ­es. We should also have a concrete consolidat­ion plan, complete with a supporting budget.

The fourth item is agricultur­e planning. Section 17 of the 1991 Local Government Code states that the local goverment unit’s (LGU) first responsibi­lity is “to develop the agricultur­e sector.” Unfortunat­ely, neither the budget nor the planning was done to enable this. An indication is the generally poor performanc­e of the 17, 000 agricultur­e extension workers devolved to the LGUs without proper preparatio­n.

With the new DA direction and added LGU resources from the Mandanas-Garcia ruling, the DA must now have a budget to support effective provincial and municipal agricultur­e planning.

The fifth item is proper budget use. It would be a tragedy if much of the DA budget is lost to corruption. There should be a provision for joint public-private sector monitoring system down to the municipal levels. This worked well in the past, but was abolished.

Note that because of the lack of monitoring, the Commission on Audit later unearthed the scandalous P22 billion in unliquidat­ed and unexplaine­d expenses DA incurred in 2020. No private sector budget monitoring equals more waste and corruption.

Congress must now take decisive action so that these five items are adequately funded. Otherwise, our needed agricultur­e transforma­tion will remain a pipe dream.

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