Philippine Daily Inquirer

Film on murdered teen ‘Till’ focuses on mother-son love


Emmett Till’s murder and the acquittal of his killers became a landmark case in the American civil rights movement due to the brutality of his death and injustice that followed, but “Till” director Chinonye Chukwu takes a somewhat different angle.

Based on true events, the film focuses on a 14-year-old Black American boy named Emmett Till who was abducted, tortured and lynched after allegedly flirting with a white woman at a grocery store while visiting relatives in Mississipp­i in 1955.

When the biopic trailer was released, some feared the depiction of the violence of the teen’s assault would be harrowingl­y graphic. However, Chukwu went in a different direction.

“This is not a story about the physical violence that was inflicted upon Emmett, this is the story about the woman who is responsibl­e for the world knowing who Emmett Till was,” Chukwu told Reuters. “It’s also the love story between Mamie and her son, and the joy and humanity that also existed within and between them as well.”

Sean Patrick Thomas (left) and Danielle Deadwyler in “Till”

Whoopi Goldberg, who plays Mamie’s mother and Emmett’s grandmothe­r, said it was OK for viewers to be worried about the violence of the story.

Open casket

“I would say to most people, you’ve watched much worse stuff on your telly, much more graphic stuff. This is going to

work in your brain, this is going to make you think ‘How do we prevent this kind of thing from happening anymore?’”

Actor Danielle Deadwyler portrays Till’s mother Mamie, who allowed for an open casket for her son’s memorial so the world could see the aftermath of excessive violence against her son.

“We have to maintain an understand­ing that this is a human being with a deeply urgent and tragic human experience that is still manifestin­g today in the guise of people, other Black folks, families losing their daughters, sons to a very similar kind of thing,” Deadwyler said.

While the story of Till is well-known for its impact on the American civil rights movement, Goldberg said she doesn’t want the story to fade.

“We see the same thing slipping towards us. We see that people say, ‘No, we don’t need to include LGBTQ history in a book, we don’t need to include Black history in a book, we don’t need to include Asian history in the book ... we don’t need to do any of that.’ Well, actually you do.”

“Till,” produced by Orion Pictures, premiered on Oct. 14 in the United States.

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 ?? ?? Emmett Till’s home in Chicago
Emmett Till’s home in Chicago
 ?? ?? Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg

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