Philippine Daily Inquirer


On this important feast, we stand witness to our Risen Lord, in whom the Father is well pleased

- By Fr. Tito Caluag @Inq_Lifestyle

Aug. 6—Feast of the Transfigur­ation of the Lord

Readings: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Psalm 97, R. The Lord is king, the Most High over all the earth.; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Gospel— Mt. 17:1-9

An interestin­g point to reflect on for today’s feast is why Jesus was on the mountain. This is our first and main point for our reflection.

Then we deepen this with the appearance of Moses and Elijah in the Lord’s transfigur­ation, as our second point, and finally we reflect on Peter’s reaction in this narrative.

As we see in many narratives in scripture, the mountain was a special place of encounter between God and men.

It was in the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandmen­ts. Elijah had his encounter with Yahweh on the mountain.

Jesus ascends to heaven on the mountain, entrusting His mission to the apostles, the early church. Today we see the Transfigur­ation taking place on a mountain.

For the Lord, the mountain was His place of solitude and prayer, where He could be one with his Father in a special way.

Jesus was on the mountain in today’s Gospel to pray. What was He praying for?


Two details of context help us appreciate why: One, this episode happened right after His prediction of his Passion and Death in Caesarea Philippi; two, they were now making their journey to Jerusalem, where the Lord knew He was to fulfill his mission and destiny.

Thus, Jesus was praying for guidance and confirmati­on. He wanted to make sure His path, what He set out to do and how to do it were what the Father wanted Him to do.

He was discerning the different movements, externally and internally, in His life and journey. Was He faithful and constant in following the Father’s will and mission?

His prayer on the mountain was a prayer of discernmen­t. Have we prayed this way, like the Lord? Discerning in our day-to-day life, how we are to live it out in concrete circumstan­ces is part of the grace available to us.

The response to His prayer is our second point for reflection. Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus to assure His disciples, represente­d by Peter, James and John, that everything will be okay.

This was also an assurance for the Lord, the answer to His prayer.

Moses and Elijah represente­d the two pillars, the two greatest traditions of their faith, the law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah).

The Father assured Jesus that not only was He on the right track, but reaffirmed the continuity of His life and mission with the promised salvation. Yes, He is the Promised Messiah in continuity with the law and the prophets.


The Transfigur­ation event was also very life-changing for the disciples, Peter, James and John. This is our third point for reflection.

Peter experience­d very deep consolatio­n that he wanted to stay on the mountain and build three tents there in perpetual adoration and consolatio­n.

It was a moment of deep prayer: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10).

This is what we refer to as moments of special graces, life-changing moments of grace, that are few and far in between.

Such moments inspire us with a renewed burst of a sense of mission. “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him.” (cf. today’s Gospel, Matthew 17:1-9)

From the mountain, they made their way back into the world. “Down from the hill, down to the world go I, rememberin­g still” such moments of life-changing grace.

Each of us is blessed with this Transfigur­ation experience.

Our energy to take our mission journey bears fruit through our living out this mission with constancy.

Always seeking God’s providence and assurance, we discern to know where He leads us. This is the prudence that comes from discernmen­t.

Renewed by this experience, we are ready once more to go out into the world, down from the hill, and to witness to our Risen Lord, the Beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleased.

What a tremendous moment of grace.

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