Philippine Daily Inquirer

Top 5 personal finance tips for OFWs

- RANDELL TIONGSON Randell Tiongson is a registered financial planner at RFP Philippine­s. To learn more about financial planning, attend the 107th RFP program this May 2024. Email or visit

For many overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), the pursuit of better job opportunit­ies abroad comes with the responsibi­lity of securing a brighter financial future for themselves and their families back home. While the income earned overseas provides a significan­t boost, strategic financial planning is crucial to ensure long-term stability and prosperity. I’m sharing my top 5 tips for OFWs to prepare for a better financial future.

1. Create a comprehens­ive budget

Building a solid financial foundation begins with understand­ing and managing your income and expenses. Develop a comprehens­ive budget that accounts for your monthly earnings, necessary expenses, savings goals and a contingenc­y fund. Prioritize essential expenses such as remittance­s, housing, education and health care. Allocate a percentage of your income to savings and investment­s to foster financial growth.

2. Establish emergency savings and life insurance

Life is unpredicta­ble and unforeseen circumstan­ces can arise at any time. Establishi­ng an emergency savings fund is essential for financial security. Aim to set aside at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a readily accessible account. This fund can act as a financial safety net during unexpected events, such as medical emergencie­s, job loss, or family emergencie­s, preventing the need to dip into long-term investment­s or incur debt. Having adequate life insurance can help bring peace of mind and financial stability to the family in case of untimely death or serious physical breakdown.

3. Invest wisely for the future

OFWs should explore investment opportunit­ies to make their hard-earned money work for them over time. Consider a diversifie­d investment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Options may include real estate, unit investment trust funds, mutual funds, insurance, stocks or retirement accounts. Consult with a financial advisor to explore investment opportunit­ies that suit your long-term objectives and provide a hedge against inflation. I would also recommend to include real estate in the investment mix as it will be a good hedge against inflation and even a source of passive income in the future. Speak to trusted real estate agent on some offers they have.

4. Educate yourself on financial literacy

Empower yourself with financial knowledge and literacy. Understand­ing basic financial concepts such as budgeting, insurance, investing and debt management is crucial for making informed decisions. Attend financial literacy seminars, read books and stay informed about economic trends. Equipping yourself with financial literacy not only helps you make better financial choices but also protects you from potential scams or pitfalls. My website, www.randelltio­ and my social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube, have a lot of personal finance materials that can help.

5. Plan for retirement

While retirement may seem distant, planning for it early in your career is essential. Explore retirement savings options, such as the Social Security System and personal equity and retirement accounts (Pera). Take advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement plans if available. The power of compoundin­g works best over time, so starting early allows your investment­s to grow significan­tly. Regularly reassess your retirement plan to ensure it aligns with your evolving financial goals.

Being an OFW presents unique opportunit­ies and challenges, and a strategic approach to financial planning is essential for a better future. With effort and discipline, you can pave the way for long-term financial stability. Remember, the goal is not just to earn money but to make it work for you and your loved ones, ensuring a secure and prosperous future.

On a personal note, thank you dear OFWs for being our modern-day heroes! We truly appreciate you.

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