Philippine Daily Inquirer

PNP learns basics of community policing from UK

- By Juliet Labog-Javellana Chief, Inquirer Central Desk

(Last of two parts) NORTH WALES, United Kingdom—Winston Roddick, the first-ever elected police and crime commission­er for North Wales, has this message to the Philippine National Police: Consulting the people is essential.

“You’ve got to keep in touch with the community. Once you’ve set it up and you’ve built the bridge, you have to cross that bridge regularly in order to maintain the relationsh­ip,” Roddick told members of a Philip- pine technical working group looking for a model for policing in the proposed Bangsamoro autonomous region.

Elected in 2012, after England and Wales created the position in 2011, Roddick is the person accountabl­e for governing the police in North Wales.

“I am the public face of the police. If the police are unpopular with the people, the people come and tell me, and I speak to the police chief officers and say this is what I have heard, explain yourself and tell me what you are going to do to reform,”

he said.

Roddick, one of the four commission­ers in Wales, has the power to fire the chief constable (police chief) of North Wales.

At the time of the visit by a 12member study group brought here by the British Council last month, Roddick was working on a third revision of his Police and Crime Plan for 2015.

Consultati­on meetings

He has 11 consultati­on meetings to conduct until February to submit the plan to public scrutiny.

Roddick will meet with senior citizens, people with disabiliti­es and champions of children’s rights to get their views on whether his plan is acceptable. His goals are security in the home, safety in public places and visible and accessible policing.

While Roddick sets the broad strategy, the police force is empowered to lay out the operationa­l and tactical details to achieve those goals. The commission advertises the plan and the consultati­on dates, and the public can comment online (http://www.northwales­

Hearing about the Mindanao case, Roddick said he regularly met with Muslim leaders here.

“I go to the mosque and listen to and observe the service. We demonstrat­e how much we value a relationsh­ip with minority groups of that kind and I know they value it greatly,” he said.

Drawing on the Northern Ireland peace process, Roddick said tolerance was quite important. “You can’t heal those wounds without tolerance, understand­ing and forgivenes­s with a big F,” he said.

Public trust

Whatever model is chosen for the Bangsamoro police, public trust is vital to its success, Roddick said.

“You’re embarking on an exciting change. You’re strengthen­ing the democratic responsibi­lity of the police and improving the relationsh­ip between the public and the police. And that quality of the relationsh­ip is ab- solutely essential to the success of community policing,” he said.

“What is infinitely better than seeing a police officer on the street is if that police officer is being identified by the people as being of the people and for the people,” he said.

Noting how Philippine officials were wowed by resources at the disposal of the North Wales police, Philip Thomson, British Council consultant and team leader of the community policing project for the Bangsamoro, told the visiting group that they should look at North Wales as “aspiration­al” and focus on the mind-set rather than the means.

“This is not a comparativ­e study. What is relevant, we take back to the Philippine­s. What is not relevant, we leave behind,” said Thomson, a former police commander in the area who managed the weeklong tour.

Roddick’s talk and the immersion with the North Wales police brought candid realizatio­ns for the group, most of whom were law enforcemen­t officers in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

They constitute­d a technical working group tasked with producing a “tool kit” for community policing in the proposed Bangsamoro, a project funded by the British Council.

The officials saw the military orientatio­n of the police as a problem, along with corruption, lack of profession­alism and scarcity of resources.

“I think it’s really the engagement with the community and the ability and dedication of the police to come up with very innovative solutions to specific problems. I think that’s one skill and quality we seldom see in the Philippine­s,” said Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) lawyer Naguib Sinarimbo, a veteran of the peace process in Mindanao.

He said policemen, assigned on rotation, did not even speak the language in the communitie­s.

“What we have is a national- ized police force that is hierarchic­al, where decisions are made [at the] top. So you lose the ability to look at specific problems at the level of the community that allow your police officers certain levels of decisions to respond,” Sinarimbo said.

A big concern in the Bangsamoro communitie­s is the reputation of the police, he said.

“They see police officers as being just private security guards of politician­s. Second, I think there is a common reputation that police officers are the ones that encourage crime so there’s that negative perception against police officers that we need to address,” he said.

Brig. Gen. Buenaventu­ra Pascual, chief of the Philippine military’s peace process office, was also impressed with the level of community engagement by the police here.

“The function of the police here is very specific—safer community, safer business, safer roads, safer schools,” Pascual noted.

‘ Vertical’ orientatio­n

In the Philippine­s, the “vertical” orientatio­n of the police force does not allow for community engagement, he said.

“First our structure is very vertical, meaning the [station] chief of police is answerable to the provincial, then the regional director then the chief PNP. So the objective of the police officer is to satisfy the chain of command because it will affect his career, promotion, schooling and reassignme­nt,” Pascual said.

“Wow, very far,” lawyer Anwar Malang, regional director for the Department of the Interior and Local Government in the ARMM, said of the image of the Philippine policeman compared to his British counterpar­t.

“In their case, they are very proactive and protective of the integrity of the policemen. And if you notice, the ranking system is sort of immaterial with them. Policemen in our case are very militarist­ic in orientatio­n, even in the ranking itself. For instance, you have a chief PNP with a four-star rank and many generals surroundin­g him,” Malang said.

‘Good start’

While some concepts here would not be relevant, such as an elected commission­er, Malang said the British community policing could be “a very good start that can be a model for the entire country.”

Chief Supt. Ronald Estilles, PNP regional director for the ARMM, said he was impressed with the police officers here having the power to do what they thought was best for their communitie­s.

“In our case, we have to clear everything with our superiors. If I am an inspector, I cannot do anything without the clearance of my chief of police. Everything has to be cleared upstairs,” Estilles said.

Garie Briones, British Council project and finance officer, said the police needed to nurture partnershi­ps with communitie­s to augment scarce resources.

“Different communitie­s have different problems so we really can’t have a one-size-fits-all (strategy). Community policing is relevant when you deal with communitie­s because the community-based police know their neighborho­od and what they need,” Briones said.

‘Out-of-box solutions’

Through partnershi­ps with business, schools and social organizati­ons like what they do here, the Philippine police can do out-of-the-box solutions, he said.

“We are glad we have a chief PNP now, Director General Marquez, who is very positive about community policing,” Briones said.

Chief Supt. Wilfredo Franco, the director for police community relations of the PNP, confirmed that Marquez’s policy runs in line with the community-oriented policing.

“Our PNP chief has anchored his administra­tion on going back to the basics of policing, which is patrolling. He emphasized that the police should be seen more on the streets,” Franco said, noting that directive had been given to the 160,000strong police force.

One program not properly implemente­d, Franco said, was the “Pulis Ko, Teacher Ko,” which was similar in concept to the All-Wales School Liaison Project. “We have the idea, but we are not doing it the right way,” he said.

Franco vowed to push the police-school liaison program. He said his wife, a teacher, had told him that Filipino students had a low awareness of the role of the police in communitie­s.


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