Sun Star Bacolod

Happy thoughts


You would think that after the elections, everything will go back to regular programmin­g, right? Well, that’s wishful thinking and well your wish wasn’t granted!

Can you believe all the negative vibes thrown back and forth? I’ve been seeing such posts on social media every single day after the elections.

It just doesn’t end, does it? I know about people/ friends agreeing to disagree but what about agreeing that we should all work towards a common goal to make our country great again? Wouldn’t that be a better use of energy rather than wasting it on negativity?

We should thrive on happy thoughts, you know. You know for someone who actually has gone quite used to seeing the bad things, it would probably be quite a stretch! But it is possible. We can always work towards seeing the silver linings so that we can always find the good on everything and work towards the positive stuff!

It all starts with the seed called “finding something to be grateful for.” When times are difficult and you are bombarded by challenges and bad luck that you just feel stricken down, of course, there is a tendency to be discourage­d by it.

Some people fall and never get the chance nor the courage to get up and it us quite understand­able. Some lessons are harder to take and learn from. So have had experience­s where it felt like everything was hopeless but you know what, it is not. I just had to find that second wind, to put everything I could into getting up and starting over. It was quite a task, an undertakin­g that takes will and dedication even if things seem to work against the odds. There may be tears and even more heartbreak, but you just need to learn to hang on until you pull yourself through the wreckage!

I always start with the simplest happy thought I can think of at that moment. You know, you kinda go through your old memories and try to find what constantly makes you feel better.

Find what uplifts you because it’s certainly better to be happy than to stress out and sulk in a corner, worrying about things! I started with sunshine on my face. I think about how the warmth makes my skin tingle and how good it felt coming in from the cold. I guess it is like finding comfort and peace after you had been badly battered and bruised by life.

Find your happy thought. Stick with it. Focus on it and soon you will find yourself actually feeling better. I know this to be true and with patience you will, too!*

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