Sun Star Bacolod

Attorney’s fees


P etitioner Edgar L. Torillos was hired as a chief cook by respondent Eastgate Maritime Corp. (Eastgate) for and on behalf of its foreign principal FJ Lines Inc. on board mv Corona Lions.

While performing his duties, he experience­d pain in his right leg that radiated to his lower extremitie­s.

After undergoing treatment in their two ports of entry, he was recommende­d for repatriati­on for further management and treatment. Subsequent to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of his lumbrosacr­al spine, he was advised to undergo physical therapy.

However, despite continued therapy sessions, he filed on May 8, 2012 a complaint against Eastgate for payment of permanent total disability benefits and attorney’s fees, among others.

In a decision dated Oct. 29, 2012, the labor arbiter found petitioner entitled to permanent total disability. On Jan. 3, 2013, the labor arbiter issued a decision correcting the names of the parties in the decretal portion.

From the decision dated Jan. 3, 2013, petitioner filed a memorandum of partial appeal questionin­g the labor arbiter’s failure to award him attorney’s fees.

Is petitioner entitled to attorney’s fees?

Ruling: No.

In labor cases, attorney’s fees are awarded when there is unlawful withholdin­g of wages or benefits due, forcing the employee to litigate.

In the present case, there was no unlawful withholdin­g of benefits to speak of. As discussed, Torillos filed a case against Eastgate while he was still undergoing treatment and without yet a final disability assessment from the company-designated physician. His act was premature, which stripped him of entitlemen­t to attorney’s fees.

Besides, Torillos was already barred from claiming attorney’s fees for his failure to timely file an appeal from the Oct. 29, 2012 decision of the Labor Arbiter, which did not award attorney’s fees in his favor.

In his memorandum of partial appeal, Torillos alleged that he timely filed his appeal within the prescripti­ve period from his receipt of the Jan. 3, 2013 decision of the Labor Arbiter. However, the reglementa­ry period should be counted from the receipt of the Oct. 29, 2012 decision, and not from the Jan. 3, 2013 decision.

The Jan. 3, 2013 decision was only an amendment to the Oct. 29, 2012 decision to correct a mere clerical error, i.e., to correct the names of the parties in the dispositiv­e portion of the decision, and thus, was not a new judgment.

As such, the period for filing the appeal should still be counted from the receipt of the original judgment. (Edgar L. Torillos vs. Eastgate Maritime Corporatio­n,, G.R. No. 215904, January 10, 2019).*

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