Sun Star Bacolod

Our Teachers, Our Heroes. A tribute to the World’s Teachers’ day

- By: Mae Rose B. Gangoso, MAED Teacher II San Agustin Elementary School

THE world has been wonderful with the wisdom they taught. Lessons that brought us to obtain great things in life. Teacher, mentor, tutor, facilitato­r, coach, or whatever you call them, only one word can describe them, HERO. They are the heroes that enlighten us with wisdom and values that can save us from any deceitful situations that can mitigate us people from danger. Indeed, not all superheroe­s wear capes or have powers, a simple pen and a little talk with lessons can change one’s life. As we celebrate teacher’s day, we should always remember that we bring every lesson they taught us to our everyday interactio­ns, from teaching us to read, write, and solve problems to buying our essentials, communicat­ing with intelligen­ce, and reacting to good or bad situations, all of that lessons are firmly engraved to the person we are today. The passion and dedication they hold to disseminat­ing informatio­n that can help us to achieve our dreams and aspiration­s to become a productive and better person. Teachers’ are also mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers that can help us in any challenges and tests life can bring. Imagine a life without a teacher, it’s like walking without direction, traveling without knowing your destinatio­n. In short a life in drought where chaos wins against peace. That is why teachers are the backbone of society. They build strong individual­s that can also build a strong society for future generation­s. As we’ve seen in movies, superheroe­s always win against villains, and that is not far from being a teacher, because a teacher eliminates ignorance and inputs knowledge and wisdom. Honor your teacher as you honor and idolize your favorite superhero. Because undeniably, teachers can save lives just like superheroe­s. So, on this world teachers’ day, we should greet, hug, and show them the love they deserved, and most importantl­y, we should respect and honor them as we respect ourselves and honor our parents.*

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