Sun Star Bacolod

Xi: China, PH ‘must stick to friendly consultati­on’


CHINESE President Xi Jinping said the Philippine­s and China “must stick to friendly consultati­on” in a bid to handle difference­s and disputes concerning the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) properly.

Xi had a bilateral meeting with President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Thursday, November 17, in Bangkok, Thailand on the sidelines of the 29th Asia-pacific Economic Cooperatio­n (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM).

In a statement released by the Chinese embassy, Xi said China and the Philippine­s need to keep strategic independen­ce, uphold peace, openness and inclusiven­ess, and stay the course of regional cooperatio­n.

“They should work together to reject unilateral­ism and acts of bullying, defend fairness and justice, and safeguard peace and stability in the region,” he said.

The Chinese President said they are always ready to maintain regular communicat­ion with the Philippine­s and to continue accommodat­ing the country’s concerns.

Xi also reiterated the need for the Philippine­s and China to create highlights in cooperatio­n and enhance quality of cooperatio­n for the people, deepen the synergy between their respective infrastruc­ture programs, strengthen cooperatio­n on clean energy, education and public health, and take more concrete steps to increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cement public support for China-philippine­s friendship.

He expressed willingnes­s to import more quality agricultur­al and sideline products from the Philippine­s.

He said China always views its relations with the Philippine­s from a strategic height.

“China will work with the Philippine­s to carry forward their friendship and cooperatio­n, commit to national developmen­t and rejuvenati­on, and write a new chapter in China-philippine­s friendship,” said Xi.

For his part, Marcos said they discussed strengthen­ing and expanding the Philippine­s-china relationsh­ip particular­ly in the areas of agricultur­e, energy, infrastruc­ture and people-to-people connection­s during their meeting.

He said they also discussed his upcoming State Visit to China in January.

“It’s the first time that I’ve met President Xi Jinping and I was very happy that we were able to have this opportunit­y here in the APEC Meeting in Bangkok to have a bilateral meeting,” Marcos said.

“The bilateral meetings are really just a kind of getting-to-know-you and that was the same with our meeting,” he added.

House Speaker Martin Romualdez said the meeting between Marcos and Xi is significan­t given that the global power is a large trading partner and a major source of investment.

 ?? OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PHOTO ?? MANILA▪ President Ferdinand R▪ Marcos Jr▪ (right) meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in a historic bilateral meeting held on the sidelines of the 29th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Thailand today, November 17, 2022▪
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PHOTO MANILA▪ President Ferdinand R▪ Marcos Jr▪ (right) meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in a historic bilateral meeting held on the sidelines of the 29th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Thailand today, November 17, 2022▪

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