Sun Star Bacolod

Pope Francis says he has a lung inflammati­on but will go to Dubai this week for climate conference


POPE FRANCIS on Sunday, November 26, 2023, revealed that he has a lung inflammati­on but will go later this week to Dubai to address the climate change conference.

Francis skipped his weekly Sunday appearance at a window overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square, a day after the Vatican said he was suffering from a mild flu. Instead, Francis gave the traditiona­l noon blessing in an appearance televised live from the chapel in the Vatican hotel where he lives.

“Brothers and sisters, happy Sunday. Today I cannot appear at the window because I have this problem of inflammati­on of the lungs,” Francis said.

The pontiff, whose 87th birthday is next month, added that a priest, sitting beside him, would read out his day’s reflection­s for him.

In those comments, Francis said he was going to the United Arab Emirates for the COP28 gathering on climate change and that he would deliver his speech, as scheduled, on Saturday to the participan­ts.

“Besides war, our world is threatened by another great peril, that of climate change, which puts at risk life on Earth, especially for future generation­s,” the pontiff said in the words read by the priest.

“I thank all who will accompany this voyage with prayer and with the commitment to take to heart the safeguardi­ng of the common house,” the pontiff said, using his term for Earth.

In the footage, it could be seen that the Pope had a bandage on his right hand and what appeared to be a cannula. The Vatican didn’t

immediatel­y respond to a query from the AP about whether he was receiving

intravenou­s or some other treatment.

Not immediatel­y explained

was the discrepanc­y between the Pope saying he has lung inflammati­on and the Vatican saying a day earlier that Francis had a CT scan at a Rome hospital “to exclude the risk of pulmonary complicati­ons” and that the exam was negative.

Francis earlier this year was hospitaliz­ed for three days for what he later said was pneumonia and what the Vatican described as a case of bronchitis necessitat­ing treatment with intravenou­s antibiotic­s.

This weekend has been very windy and unusually chilly for late autumn in Rome.

The Pontiff’s voice dipped low, and at times he seemed almost breathless in his brief introducto­ry remarks explaining why he didn’t make the window appearance, and at the end when he added his usual request to “don’t forget to pray for me.”*(associated

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? A GIANT screen broadcasts Pope Francis delivering his blessing during the Angelus noon prayer, from the chapel of the hotel at the Vatican grounds where he lives, 6XQGD\ 1RYHPEHU 3RSH )UDQFLV VD\V KH KDV D OXQJ LQÀDPPDWLR­Q EXW ZLOO go later this week to Dubai for the climate change conference▪
AP PHOTO A GIANT screen broadcasts Pope Francis delivering his blessing during the Angelus noon prayer, from the chapel of the hotel at the Vatican grounds where he lives, 6XQGD\ 1RYHPEHU 3RSH )UDQFLV VD\V KH KDV D OXQJ LQÀDPPDWLR­Q EXW ZLOO go later this week to Dubai for the climate change conference▪

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