Sun Star Bacolod

Education Pressure or Passion

- By Grace D. Panganiban, Master Teacher II Isabela East Elementary School, Isabela, Negros Occidental

As young adults step into the real world, they face challenges on their career path with the most common dilemma- pursue for passion or for survival?

We usually see ourselves settling down by 25 with our own house, car and families. However, in reality, some can do both while many of us are trying to make ends meet. We can’t deny the fact that many of these young adults chose the way of survival and gave up on what they really want in life.

This dilemma actually begins way back to our younger years in school. Some children excel in Math but are having a difficult time in language subjects while others excel in creative-related learning while they are having challenges in problem solving skills. Indeed, to each of their own. Even in the early stage, our children already faced pressure from society to be good at all aspects.

As educators, it is our role to encourage our students to push the limits but it’s also our responsibi­lity to inspire them to identify the aspect that they interested in and where would they think would they flourish. This gives them a sense of identity and purpose.

Fast forward to university, they would certainly have various choices on which major should they enroll in. This is where our role as educators come in again- that in their elementary and high school years, we should be able to create ways and methods for them to discover their capabiliti­es.

Our children are our future and they should have a strong foundation of both education and encouragem­ent. Most importantl­y, whatever path they will take, hope they will be reminded of how their teachers believed in them and hope they can still push for what they love despite challenges in society.*

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