Sun Star Bacolod

China continues to be belligeren­t

- Pampanga)

ESPITE internatio­nal outrage and scathing remarks from the Philippine government, China continues with its bullying of Philippine shios and maritime vessels carrying supplies to the men on BRP Sierra Madre.

The Philippine­s, through its Department of Foreign Affairs, has repeatedly registered complaints against the Chinese Coast Guard and its militi VESSELS over its annoying activities on Philippine ships,

Why this brazen acts by the Chinese?

There were reports that former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte, always a braggart, forged a gentleman’s agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping allowing the Chinese to obtain permission to enter territorie­s at West Philippine Sea. Why Duterte, a lawyer, should give concession­s to the scheming Chinese, is beyond reason and this is why perhaps emboldened the latter to insist on owning our sovereign land areas.

Former Supreme Court justice Antonio Carpio opined that the former president may have ben impeached because of his patronizin­g acts on China when he was still in office.

Who knows what concession­s Duterte might have given Xi Jinping in exchange for several favors including money. It is not far fetched since the for,er president has been known to make rash and at times reckless deciisions. Sus!

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And so, China was given the go signal to intrude into territorie­s and abuse our men in uniform. All these were ,ade possible by an official who was supposed to safeguard our country’s sovereignt­y and patrimony.

Now the doors are open for more Chinese conquest. We do fear China’s might and it is evident in ourficials’ actuations towards the bully nation.

No matter how we look at the length of China’s intrusion (ad aggression), there is no turning back its effect on our national pride and all is due to our treacherou­s behavior toward this evil nation. We have no one to blame but ourselves for this moumntall blunder - that is, giving what China wants and indeed gets.*(sunstar

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