Sun.Star Baguio

A walk in the park


FOR nearly three weeks last July the rains poured almost continuall­y and relentless­ly. As soon as the seeming storm spell was broken and the sun shone again, my husband Mike went back to his disrupted daily morning routine of going to Burnham Park in his bicycle to do his favorite exercise – boxing.

On my part, it was only after three days that the sun has been shining again did I venture to go to Burnham Park. Since I was late for the aerobic and zumba class, I simply walked around the park.

After praying the Rosary while I walked, I started asking myself, “What could I write about today?” I am reminded of the quote, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Indeed, since I have been preoccupie­d with my project of writing a book, everything I looked at seemed like a good subject to write about.

As I made my first walk around the outer circle of the lake, I had a number of startling discoverie­s. I noticed how tall the grasses have grown. A lot of the plants also needed a trim or an uprooting. Many looked dead already. A big stretch of the sidewalk was nearly covered with fallen leaves, as if the season of autumn visited us in Baguio.

Then I saw one street sweeper who was painstakin­gly sweeping the carpet-like fallen leaves. I felt so grateful for that lone man. I realized how important his job was. What if no one showed up to sweep that day?

On my third round of walk, I saw another street sweeper; then a third and a fourth. Thank God for street sweepers!

By my 5th walk around the lake, the park was still far from being tidy and presentabl­e. Fortunatel­y, by that time, there was already one gardener who started pulling the dead and withered plants in one corner of the huge park. But, he was alone. Nobody had touched the grass. Some sections were knee length already. It made me wonder what our government or whoever was in charge of park maintenanc­e doing?

I wish I could say that I ended my morning walk that day refreshed. While I was happy to be back exercising in Burnham Park again, the condition of the park was disappoint­ing and depressing to say the least.

I concluded that at the state the park was in, walking around the lake was far from being “a

walk in the park.”

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