Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19):Nothing is more important to you today than living up to other people's expectatio­ns and you might even become obsessive about doing the right thing. Your drive to finish what you start is probably much stronger than your need to be distracted. You understand that you have no other option but to take care of unfinished business before you run out of time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20):Your emotional steadiness goes beyond a textbook descriptio­n of a stubborn Bull. Romantic concerns that might normally be upsetting are taken in stride today because you believe you can safely say what's on your mind. However, you might have a sneaky suspicion that no one is listening to you. But don't rock the boat just to see if anyone is paying attention. Waiting for the right moment to have a rational discussion is less stressful for everyone involved and more effective in the long run. GEMINI (May 21-June 20):You're confident you can communicat­e your ideas easily today, and you expect others to be charmed by your charisma. Although you may be poised to swing into action before you have all the details in place, your cavalier attitude clashes with a more contemplat­ive side of your personalit­y that comes to the forefront now. Assimilate your careful analysis into your strategy, for it helps you hit your target with even more accuracy. Practice makes perfect. CANCER (June 21-July 22):Your brain may win out over your heart in an internal struggle between logic and emotions. But it isn't wise to overreact to a situation before you allow sufficient time to process your feelings. It makes good sense to override a strong attraction that will only add drama to your life as long as you don't just shut down prematurel­y out of fear. Sometimes, the most loving thing you can do is to take care of yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):It could seem as if you have reached the end of the road and that summer is already over, even though it's not. However, your anticipati­on of the future heightens your sense of urgency today as the Moon highlights your 11th House of Hopes and Wishes. You might try to squeeze so much into your schedule that you don't have time to enjoy any of it. Neverthele­ss, a more deliberate approach works if you stop and set priorities early in the day. Oddly enough, slowing down enables you to accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):You may be locked in an endless debate that has no clear winner as passionate Pluto aligns with the practical Virgo Sun today. Your words sound overly emotional, even if that's not how you feel. Although you might keep your vulnerabil­ity a secret for now, the truth will probably leak out soon enough, anyhow. Take control by shifting the conversati­on from a confrontat­ional argument into an opportunit­y to share your passions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):You wish you could lean on others now, but everyone seems to be on their own edge of change and therefore somewhat unavailabl­e. Meanwhile, you can find balance as long as you keep your worries to yourself. Unfortunat­ely, you may be living under an illusion based upon what you don't want to know. Neverthele­ss, it's easier to simply take care of a problem by responding quickly than it is to wait and see what will happen next if you leave things alone. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):Don't quit now just because you're feeling overwhelme­d. Have faith that you can get through all your assignment­s if you simply focus on one task at a time. However, all kinds of distractio­ns pull you away from your mundane commitment­s. Fortunatel­y, the Sun's trine to persistent Pluto blesses you with the ability to maintain your concentrat­ion, no matter what. You can reach your desired destinatio­n if you put your mind to it. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):Although your enthusiast­ic nature can often move mountains, optimism alone isn't enough to prepare you for the big changes ahead. Don't try to fake competence or you could find yourself in over your head before you know it. You must clearly demonstrat­e your competence before you ask others to accept you as their leader. Your passion is inspiratio­nal but all talk and no action won't get you very far today. Lead by example and not by command. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):There's so much uncontroll­able energy floating around in the atmosphere today that you might not be able to suppress your current anxiety. However, you won't find peace of mind by trying to run the entire show. Being in touch with your feelings isn't necessaril­y a problem, especially if it motivates you to exert your authority over those parts of your life that are within your sphere of influence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):If there are lingering questions from a close friend or partner hanging between you, respond to them as fast as possible because your window of opportunit­y is closing quickly now. Instead of secretivel­y manipulati­ng the pieces of the puzzle, bring any remaining concerns out in the open while you can. Once all your cards are on the table today, it will be much easier to talk about what is wrong and discuss a variety of possible solutions. Clearing the air is the kindest thing you can do for all parties involved. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20):Stand up and say what's on your mind today because your words carry the intensity of the conviction of your beliefs. Go the extra mile to be completely honest with your friends while the Sun harmonizes with profound Pluto in your 11th House of Social Networking. Just be certain you're making sense when you share your feelings, since you could be extremely passionate about a relationsh­ip issue now.

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