Sun.Star Baguio

Buying crystals


EXACTLY five years ago this week, we travelled to Indonesia with a good friend and client to meditate and connect to the energy at historic Borobudur. We stopped by Singapore on the way back to the Philippine­s, and purchased crystals at the same shop around Bugis Junction.

A few weeks later, our friend told us the crystal singing bowl he purchased in Singapore was giving him headaches and making him short tempered, and the citrine tael which was supposed to bring him better sales, was not doing so. Every time he placed the tael in his cash box, his sales figures were not satisfacto­ry.

It is not our practice to work with crystals that we have not personally chosen, but because he was a good friend, and since we bought the crystals at the same shop at the same time, we programmed his crystals for him. Only after that did he feel serene with his singing bowl, and content with his tael.

Over the years we’ve had countless requests to awaken and program crystals that were not purchased from us, but we had to decline. It is easiest for us to work with the ones we connect to when we first see or touch them. All our crystals are personally handpicked, even the beads. Best when we know the source they came from.

In our crystal workshops, we often tell the story of this chlorite phantom quartz we were drawn to but could not hold for long. Correctly placed, chlorite phantoms can increase the amount of deposits in the bankbook and remove unlucky energy too. Wrongly placed, it can act as a portal to the paranormal. This chlorite piece was particular­ly stunning; you could see a transparen­t green pyramid inside the crystal. But when we turned it around, the facets on one side resembled a coffin.

Another time, something seemed to be preventing us from entering a shop we usually patronize. When we asked what was new, they had quartz crystal generators that looked like they had streaks of blood in them.

There was this one business trip when our flight was several hours delayed so we had extremely limited time. We set a maximum of an hour for each of the suppliers we needed to go to. We stopped by one not on our list just to check if the seller had new items, and she showed us this batch of tourmaline­s which seemed to grow brighter and more gemmy the longer we held them. When we were done, we had spent almost 3 hours at her shop! This batch of tourmaline­s must have come from a particular­ly good source with generous energy. Where you buy crystals can also determine the crystal energy it will be giving. We had a client who showed us a citrine tree that was sold to her at a super bargain price. We told her that although it was a beautiful piece, she should not add it to her collection because it carried the energy signature of depletion. She went against our advice, and months later, she was out of a job, had to move out of their family home, and lost some friends. With coaching and instructio­ns about how to get back on track and what to do with her crystal, she’s doing okay now.

Just as crystals absorb positive beneficial energy from the earth where they are mined from, crystals can also absorb the energy of the person you buy it from. If the person who mined it, cut and polished it, and sold it was angry or depressed at that time, the crystal carries those vibrations too. Crystals can absorb, store, and transmit energy. That is why it is important to choose a good supplier when you purchase your crystals.

Speaking of miners, we always explain at our workshops that crystals are not awake when they are first taken out of the earth. Otherwise, the people who mine citrines should be the wealthiest and most positive people in the world already. And no one who enters the caves in Mexico with the giant selenites should be able to come out of it alive. The energy there is staggering!

The internet is full of websites about procedures on how to make your crystals give you their gifts. There are also many books available on this topic. If you have tried these procedures but have been unable to awaken your crystals, or are not enjoying the crystal energies as described in books or the net, or if you want a shortcut to crystals that are already awake and raring to give you their awesome blessings, visit us at 29 Sari-sari Section, Baguio City Market. We are open Monday to Saturday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Check out our website at www.lightcatch­erscrystal­

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